Chapter 37

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I check my phone as soon as I wake up with an unread text from Gilinsky, "Come to my room asap. It's important."

It was sent only a few minutes ago, so I rush to put my shoes on and head down the hall. Jack and Jack's room is only a few rooms down so I'm there quickly, knocking as quietly as possible. On my way to their room I let my hair down from the bun it was in and hide my disgusting morning face behind it.

Not until the door opens do I realize that I'm wearing Jack's shirt from last night. Which means I'm not wearing underwear, even though the shirt is long enough, the shirt is noticeable enough. Fuck.

Johnson doesn't even look at me when he opens the door but welcomes me in stating that Jack is in the bathroom and won't come out until I help him. I can sense Jack smirking even though he's facing the other direction.

I knock on the bathroom and Gilinsky pulls me in with him. He has a towel wrapped around his hips and legs and one around his neck. He immediately and as quietly as possible slides me up against the door and kisses me as sexually as he can.

"Morning Princess," he says. I don't say anything I just wait for him to explain the text, "So I have to meet hundreds of fans today and there's these god awful looking things on my neck," he removes the towel from around his neck and reveals many dark and hard-to-miss hickeys. I pull my hair back and examine mine in the mirror too. There's a lot. Gilinsky goes hard.

"Okay, no need to panic, I can fix this. I just need some makeup...Uh Jack? I'm not wearing underwear right now...and I don't want to run down the hall without some on. Do you have a pair I could borrow?"

He looks around, "But you look sexy as fuck without them," he leans me into the door again and grabs my ass in one hand giving a slight squeeze. I laugh and push him off of me as he hands me a pair of plaid boxers from the counter. I slide them on and leave the bathroom and almost the hotel room before Johnson catches me.

"Oh um, woah, uh..." he knows what's happened, "Well, that's a new look for you," he rubs the back of his head and I give an awkward laugh, "and uh who gave you those neck wounds huh?"

I laugh again, "Shut up," I tell him and we both laugh. I quickly run back to my room and grab a bunch of makeup and come right back. I go into the bathroom where Sam is talking to Gilinsky. I overhear them talking.

"So was she any good?" is this high school Sammy? No. Get the fuck out.

"Yeah, she was extremely good, I'm not actually sure she was a virgin before me," I laugh to myself because before him I was so far from sexually active it isn't even funny.

"I might have to give her a spin," Sammy laughs and Jack playfully punches him in the arm.

"Not this one Samuel, I like this one."

"Okay," I barge in, "I have the stuff."

"Are these lubes?" Sammy asks with a smirk while Jack and I both give him a glare. I begin to cover up the hickeys as Sam watches. Jack's hands glide up and down on my waist, even though I ignore him because I have a job to do I want him so bad.

"So the real question everyone, including myself, is dying to know," Sammy starts up, "Was Jack Finnegan Gilinsky any good?"

"Finnegan?!" I laugh and Jack rolls his eyes, "That's great, no really that's adorable," and I press my lips onto his cheek, "but I don't know Sam, you might have to try him out," Sam blushes knowing that I heard their previous conversation.

After I finish Jack's cover up he asks me for his shirt back, knowing I wasn't wearing anything underneath it, I state that he wishes and leave still wearing his shirt. Matt and Carter are in the hallway as I walk to my room and greet me with smirky faces. I just continue walking to my room to get ready for the day.

Only minutes later, there's a knock at the door, "Go away Gilinsky, I'm not letting you in this time."

"It's not Jack, but Jack sent me to ask if you were almost done, we have to go to the stage for sound check and Jack wanted you to tag along," I open the door, unfamiliar of the voice. Shawn Mendes stands there with a case holding a guitar. I'm only wearing a tank and black leggings.

"Oh ahaha hi. Is Jack still in his room?" I ask and he nods. I thank him and tell him I'll be down in a couple minutes. I leave my room with my purse containing everything I should need for the rest of the day. I knock on Jack's door.

He smiles, shaking his head, as he open the door and lets me in, "Okay, I know this is a typical girlfriend thing to ask for, but do you possibly have a plaid flannel I could wear for the day?" he laughs a big chester cheese laugh. His laugh automatically forms a laugh from me.

"I'm sorry I don't," he turns to look at his bag.

"Shootzkies," he laughs again at my response, "Okay I'll jus-"

"But Jack might, here lemme look," he quickly ruffles through Johnson's bag to find a red plaid flannel and hands it to me, "I'll cool it with Jack, it'll be all good. No worries."

When we get down to the main stage where the event is Johnson gives me a smirk, then looks at Gilinsky, "I hope you don't mind she-"

"It's all good G, but I was just thinking, I think Cat looks better in my clothes than yours, I think that means she's dating me now."

Gilinsky laughs, "I don't know, she looks pretty good without anything on too," he whispers so quietly in my ear so that only I can hear. I turn and wink at him.

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