Chapter 31

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Okay so i'm updating with several chapters now because I'm almost done writing it and I'm no longer too interested in this specific story but hopefully it ends alright for y'all. Mkae sure to comment what you think and vote if you like it !!!


I’m panicking on the inside. I’m not nervous to tell him, I’m nervous of his reaction. I can’t hurt him. He has helped me through so much and he makes me smile, it would kill me to know that I’m making him frown or causing him any pain what’s so ever.

“What’s up babe?” he asks as I sit him down on the couch. He puts his arm out to his side expecting me to cuddle up next to him and put his arm around me. Of course I can’t resist, I sit right next to him letting his arm rest upon my shoulder.

“Jack,” I sigh. I don’t want to cry. I don’t need to cry. I just need to figure out how to word this and I have no time at all to piece it together, “Jack…” I sigh again.

“You’re starting to worry me what’s going on?” He shoots me his soft puppy dog look and I refuse to look at him with those eyes. Those eyes make me feel like the shittiest person in the world.

“I need a break,” I begin. I don’t know where I’m going though.

“A break from…us?” he says with a painful tone.

“No I mean, from school, from…from people and I guess from here,” his heartbeat is like a melody in my ear. His arm rests on my shoulder, comforting me and holding me to his warm chest where his heart is serenading a tune for me. I try to snuggle in closer to him but I don’t think it’s possible. Jack and I are as close as two people can get, right now physically, and mentally.

“Are you…? I mean, what are you going to do about it?” he says rubbing little circles on my arm with his thumb.

“I think it’d be best if I finish high school somewhere else. Things would be too hard for me to try and act like last week didn’t happen and…”

“You don’t have to explain yourself. I want what’s best for you. Okay? So what high school are you going to pursue an education in?” he asks moving patterns in my arms to slight tugging of my hair.

“I was thinking I could go help my grandparents who are out of state and spend some time living with them.”

“Do they live far?”

I nod, “South Carolina.” I look up at him.

“I’m fine,” as if he knows what I am going to say, “I support you and your decision one hundred percent. I’ll fly out there to see you whenever I can. Nothing’s going to break this okay?”

Do I kiss him? I owe him so much for everything he’s done for me.

“When do you leave?” he says with a sad tone. I can tell he’s acting as if he’s happy for me but I hear it. It isn’t necessarily pain. But it’s something. 

My door has been the busiest this week than it has since James. Another knock sounded off at the door. As I stand to open the door Jack follows and walks behind me. I run to the door seeing as my mood instantly changes when I see her face. I swing the door open and engulf Addison in the biggest bear hug possible.

“I’ve missed you so much,” she says in my ear with teeth clenched. Jack is off to the side nonvisible to the clinging Addison. As she loosens her grip she sees that Jack is standing off to the corner. She smiles at him, neither of them say anything. Addison immediately turns back to me and starts up small talk. We chat for a while as Jack just minds his own business. It is weird, like I want to be alone with Jack and even though he’s there, it feels like he isn’t. Addison isn’t including him in conversation. 

“Hey Cat, I’ve got some homework and stuff to get done. I’ll call you later okay?” I smile and get up to walk him out. He doesn’t bother to take his hands out from his pockets and he lets me open the door for him. Before he walks out of my front door he gives me a kiss on my temple, looks into my eyes as if saying he loves me, and walking away.

I watch him until he gets into his car then return to Addison, “OMG you and Jack are you shitting me?!”

“Yeah why is that bad?” I question picking up her snobbish tone towards him.

“No…” she clears her throat, “I mean, he just doesn’t seem your type.”

I manage to change the subject instead of getting heated by the topic and we talk for a good hour and a half until she has to go home and do “chores” or something. 

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