Chapter 5

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Emily runs up to me and welcomes me, a quick brief welcome because there are tens of people crawling all over her.

There isn't that many people in the main room and it was louder, the hallways are crowded. I expected Emily to have all this country house furniture and have brown shadings or wood for walls and flooring. But her house was very elegant and must've been expensive. Her furniture looks like a million bucks.

"Hey Cat!" Sam Wilkinson runs up and puts his arm around me. His knees were twisting.

"Sammy are you drunk?" I ask him laughing at him and watching his feet jitter.

"Nah I'm not, and I'm not high either," he says. I turn his face so he was facing me and smell his breath. It smells like really faint alcohol so I know he isn't drunk and he is for sure not high.

"Okay?" I say chuckling, "I think you might wanna sit down for a couple minutes," he laughs and rubs the top of my head playfully then walks away.

I watch him for a couple second to make sure he didn't fall flat on his face, "Wait Sammy?!" I called after him. I push pass a couple people and reach for Sam.

Sam was probably my favorite person at our school. Even above Xander. Yeah he screws up a lot and he was kinda risky to be around sometimes but he was always so honest and so much fun to be around. I was always happy around him, and even though he was a bit of a heart throb, I knew he would never purposely break a girls heart.

"So, what classes are you taking this quarter?" I ask sparking up another conversation. He slowly pulls his phone out almost dropping it, he puts in his pass code and goes into our schools app and goes into his schedule. He hands me the phone, "Aw we only have lunch together."

"What about y-what about you?" I shoot him a weird look. I pull up my schedule and give him a moment for his eyes to focus on the screen, "Oh this class." He says poking my phone as I laugh at him, "I'm tryna get in this class. I gots lotta friends in that class."

I was hoping he was referring to his hot friends. He has so many handsome friends; from the mechanical crue, to his sport friends, and his stoner friends. All of which are pretty good looking.

"Aw well I hope you do." I said as he opens the door to the basement, "Sam, I don't think stairs are the best idea right now."

"Cat-er. Csjeld Catherine. I'm fime."

"You're not fiNe. or fime or whatever that is." I giggle again but he doesn't get my insinuation. So he shrugs it off and slowly wobbles down the stairs as I head the other way.

Xander decides to call me right then and I pick the phone up taking a step out of the house, onto Emily's back patio.

"Hey what's up?" I say, "You texted is everything alright?"

"Um yeah everything's fine, but I'm umm, I've got some family business to tend to on Sunday so I won't be able to do anything then as well and I wanted to tell you today so you could make other plans if you wanted to," he doesn't even wait for a response, "but I'll see you on Monday."

"Xander are you still mad at me?"

"No I'm not. I was never 'mad.'"

"Oh... Okay..." I know I am being lied to and it hurt me that it bothered him. Was he jealous? Why couldn't I be friends with this one guy? This only makes me want to find out more about him.

I feet like utter shit. I'm sorry. I can't make my peace with the thought of him. I have to be around him until I understand.

Xander starts up again, "You alright?"

Almost as if I didn't hear him I say, "I gotta go sorry," and hang up with a sigh, "UGH!" I moan at the wall.

"Hey, Catherine, umm. I'm so sorry." I turn around and see...

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