Chapter 7

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To be honest I couldn't care less about sciences or Histories. The classes roll around and I scribble notes without even thinking about the information or reading the words. I just sit there, hunching over, with my head down. It was unlike me but it was beginning to be a habit for me. The last couple days I have been paying attention so little that if we took a pop quiz I would down right fail. And I had never failed.

The bell rings, dismissing me for lunch. I slowly trudge to my locker and threw text books into my locker and pull a couple out and stuff my paper bagged lunch in my back pack. I slam my locker shut and walk to the lunch room.

As I enter the loud hectic lunch room, I can hear one of my friend's, Nate's, voice roaring over everyone else's voice. I sit down in the seat diagonal from him and slightly tune into their conversation as I space in and out of reality.

"Catherine. Cat? What do you think?" Says Bianca smiling at me, "You okay?"

"For sure, and ummm... I really haven't been listening to be honest," I say kinda chuckling to myself.

Nate rolls his eyes. "Pay attention you bishhh." And I laugh at him.

"No, you're boring and I don't like you." I joke back at him and made a stink face.

The conversation then continues and I still am not paying much attention. I continually looked over at Tammy who I feel watching me. She isn't every time I look.

But after half of lunch was over Tammy gets up and walks over to me, "Hey Deary how are you?" I turn around so that the people sitting around me at lunch could uninterruptedly finish the conversation without hearing mine.

"I'm great, it's a Monday ya know?" I let out a big smile and a joking eye roll. "And you?"

"I'm good, listen I know it was none of my business and I shouldn't have confronted you about that. Sorry and I hope you know that if you ever need someone..." She pointed to herself as she ran out of words.

"Thank you and it was no problem. Just forget about it." I let that out so casually for the emotion I've been feeling the last 72 hours. What am I suppose to do though? As long as this doesn't get spread around school I wouldn't care. Well I would try not to care.

Lunch ends. Then class after class. Choir was second to last and my first day was fun. We didn't sing much, it was an introductory day talking all about the course. I am really excited because it is one of the really few classes that I have with all grades of high schoolers.

There are two freshman and I really like both of them, they are both really nice and they know each other well. One is a boy named Adam and the other is a girl named Gabrielle. There is only one sophomore but has plenty of junior friends in the class. There is probably about 15 ish juniors and ten ish seniors.

Everyone in the class is really welcoming and I know it will be fun because there was never any drama from what I heard. Everyone got along and most of the kids are friends even outside of school.

My last class of the day ended up being my Sports Entertainment class. Walking through the door I almost dreaded it hoping there would be at least one other girl. Of course there were two.

One is a blonde who dropped out the next day and the other is an openly gay female who is taking the course for the entertainment and television portion.

The teacher is the senior football coach and is a really cool man. His name is Mr. Smentz. He jokes with his players, which he had a lot of in the class. (including his star Quarter back Drew)

Sammy walks through the door and thank god because it feels good to know I had a good friend in the class.

"Mr. Smentz!" He bellows as he held his hand out to shake.

"Oh dear god. Samuel Wilkinson. Not again." The class chuckles and Sammy takes his seat.

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