Chapter 19 ;)

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After talking with people for about an hour, I finally run into Gilinsky. I greet him but he seems as though he’s leaving. He’s grabbing his coat and heading towards the door, I can’t help but notice the veins in his neck are standing out and he’s heated up. When he faces me I can smell the alcohol dance off his tongue. 

"Jack you can't drive home, you've been drinking." I quickly grab his arm and hold him back. Normally I would've let someone who's been drinking drive home, but he's drunk. Like holding up three fingers and claiming it's twelve drunk.

He claims he's fine but I convince him to stay, "Come with me," I say holding his hand in mine and tugging him towards me.

I pull him into... A guest bedroom? No one is in there and I figure Jack could crash there either for right now or until morning. I enter the room and I tug Jack so that he follows me, I sit on the bed and he's standing next to me, letting his shadow cast over me and I give him a smile, "just sleep here."

"But-b-b-but I w-wanna go to- I can driv-v-ve home."

"Jack-" and other than trying to tell a drunk boy he's drunk because that's like trying to show a blind man a painting. I think. I stand up so that we are inches from each other.

The only sound is the slight buzz of people chatting around the house and the music. Stay High the remix of Habits is playing and I can slightly hear Jack's breath. His breath still smells like alcohol, not that strong but just a tint. His breathing is not rapid, I hear it at an unnaturally calm pace and I watch as his lips move slowly in sync with his chest and his patterned breathing.

As my eyes are still glued to thick big tender lips my lips slowly inch towards his, but this would only work if he wanted this too. His lips then race the rest of the way to mine and they passionately move smoothly against each other. His teeth slowly bite at my bottom lip and his lips move up and down on mine. His tongue licks my bottom lip asking for entrance and I slightly open my mouth accepting his invitation. His hands rest on my waist and mine move from his arms to the back of his neck. His kissing gets faster and his lips move down to my neck. My hands pull gently on the back of his hair and my fingers keep sliding through many strands. Jack sits himself down on the bed and he softly pulls at my waist for me to join him, curiously I follow and our lips lock again. My legs are bent but overlap his as we sit facing each other making out. His hands which have made there way close to my chest are now at his hips working to get his shirt off 

I don't want this to go anywhere. I’m not trying to take advantage of him but I need him to have a reason to stay. I feel that I'm protecting him this way.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been attracted to Jack and this feels really right. If anything, I think I like it better that he’s drunk, because maybe he wont remember that I’m a bad kisser and inexperienced. I’d assume I’d be bad because I’ve only kissed two guys other than Jack and only hard core made out with one, well, now two.

My hands grab his to stop him but continue to kiss him harder and hold his head. Even if he were going to, he couldn't break and ask why I was stopping his hands from removing his shirt due to how clung my hands are to the back of his neck. I know he doesn't want to fuck. At least he wouldn't if he was sober, but I know he likes kissing me. If he were sober, this would’ve happened sooner or later.

I feel bad. Really bad.

We fall over so that we're lying down. As we continue kissing he pulls me closer to him with his muscular arm and leans more into the kiss. I cut my lips back from his and lean my face into his neck catching my breath. He wraps his arms around my waist and I grab him around the neck as if we were dancing, but tighter. I continue to lie there and listen to him breathe.

Jack J walks in and my best bet is to pretend that I'm sleeping but I am not good at lying. Also I can’t clear any rumors that he can quickly make up if I’m asleep.

"Woah, what, uh-?" he says and looks back as if he's making sure no one's around to see us as if he’s hiding a secret. He faces me once again just as Sammy enters beside him.

"Damn is this like..?"

I cut him off, "Jack's drunk and..." I slide my arms back beside myself and carefully, as motionless as possible, move from the bed and stand.

Jack J still astonished as if something happened cuts me off and asks, "Did you two, uh, ya kn-"

"No! Of course not..." I look back at Jack as him coughing cuts me off.

It sounds as though Jack’s choking and he then starts to murmur something. He’s speaking jibberish and I can’t make out a single word 

"What's that G?" Sammy asks, laughing at Jack seeming as he's never been this drunk. Sammy’s smile is so cute. I love to watch him laugh.

"C-Catherine, Cat-t-t I love you. 

I turn back towards Jack.

"Holy shit..." Sam says not so jokingly anymore and his smile fades.

I let out a pathetic laugh and shush him. He obviously doesn't know what he's talking about. Even if he has feelings for me, he doesn't love me. Love doesn't work this fast. That’s obviously the alcohol talking.

I turn the light out and I walk out of the room leaving Johnson and Sammy to do what they wanted with the boy and the room.

I'm pretty sure I can hear Gilinsky mumbling something from outside the doorway but I couldn't make out what and I don't bother to find out. I find my keys and walk towards the door. Emily runs up to me and offers to walk me out.

"Do you need a ride Em?"

She pauses for a minute, "Actually, if you don't mind, I think that'd be great lemme grab my stuff and see if I can find JJ to thank him."

I wait at the door for Emily as I lose sight of her. Sammy approaches me and slings his arm around me, "Go to town!" and he gives me a smirk 

"What?" I ask as I watch Emily hug Johnson and start a quick thanking conversation.

"You and G... Getting it on..."

"Oh my god... What the? It was nothing, he couldn't have said that was something. I didn't want him to drive under the influence and he can't go home drunk that's all."

"Okay okay..." I'm sure he's just saying that. My explanation wasn't the best but hopefully it will do. But he just backs off, "but you should go finish the job."

"No, I gotta go, you finish the job asshole." I give him a goodbye hug that isn't long enough for the love I have for that boy and open the door as Emily and I exit.

"Wow I've never seen Jack that drunk before, and I've known that kid a long time." Emily points out as we walk down the street to my car, "Do you think he was okay? I mean would he usually drink himself unconscious?"

"I don't know, you tell me, does he?" I ask her as we both enter the car.

"No, I mean there had to be something wrong. I'll make sure he's okay in the morning. I’m sure he’s out for the night anyway," we both chuckle a bit as I pull onto her street.

She doesn't bother to give me directions to her house because I remember from the previous week. I let her off in her driveway and watch her until she walks through her front door. I silently drive home with my window open just listening to whatever the night brings me.

And as I pull into my driveway and collect my things...

My phone rings. It's Jack.

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