Chapter 20

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It's two in the morning and Jack is calling me.

"Hello?" I answer. I walk into my house and my mom yells down at me to take the garbage out. I don’t know why, but she does, so I do.

"I'm sorry, I-I." It sounds as though he was crying, but he’s not, and he sounds even more drunk than before. He sounds whiney and drunk to the point of insanity.

"Jack, are you okay?" My hand starts to shake and I can feel butterflies swirling around in my stomach, not good butterflies, "Jack what's wrong?"

He hung up. I try to call him back. His phone goes straight to voicemail. I decide to leave one, "Jack, what's wrong? Babe please call me back."

I was going to run back to Johnson's house until I got a text from Sam saying that Jack is okay and that he's going to keep his eye on him.

I would’ve stayed up and worried about him, or called Sammy or Jack J on the phone but I’m exhausted. So I went to sleep.

As I was falling asleep my mind kept thinking about Jack. I yearned for his hands to cup my waist again. For his brown eyes staring into mine and his cute little tongue that he posed with in pictures. His smile was adorable and so was that tongue until it was sliding past my lips and then it became down right sexy. For his hot arms becoming more tense by the minute rubbing up and down my thighs.

I feel bad, I'm not in love. I don't even love him. I don't even want to kiss him or go all the way anymore.

I just wanted him here.

All I wanted was to lie there with him, to make sure he was okay.

I turned on Breathe Me by Sia on repeat. That's the song that comforts me and empowers me when I need strength.

I woke up to an empty house. My mother was hardly ever around when I was home. She left for work before I woke up and got home after I fell asleep.

I walk downstairs and into the bathroom to wash my face. Two blackish blue spots are stained on the left side of my neck, "Shit, Jack," I whisper to myself.

They are dark shapes. They aren't leaving anytime soon that's for sure.

I put on my make up and throw my hair up so that it covers my neck and throw a pair of sweatpants on over my shorts because it's kind of chilly out.

A huge bang comes from the front door. I quickly run and open it, expecting someone else I'm shocked when I see that Xander is standing in front of me.

"Hey, wanna hang out?" He asks practically letting himself in.

"Sure babe," he knows my house well enough so he walks straight in.

He helps himself to a seat on the couch and I make myself a morning cup of coffee. Another knock sounds off at my door too shortly after Xander's and I ask Xander to answer it.

Before Xander reaches the door I hear the doorbell ring about eight times then I hear the door creaking open. Slowly, too slowly.

"Catherine. Come here," he stammers as if I am a disobedient child and he's my father.

I turn the corner leaving my coffee cup to boil and see a figure who's face is being shadowed by the sun.

"Can we talk?" Jack Gilinsky's voice croaks out and I gulp down a bunch of anxiety into my stomach.

Xander's eyes flicker with flame at Jack. And Jack's eyes huge and opened wide stare at me.

"Xander could we reschedule?" I ask as politely as possible knowing how much this was killing him.

"Whatever," he exits the door and I chase after him leaving Gilinsky inside.

"Xander, what did Jack do? Please. I-I need to know. I think, I don’t know what I think, but I KNOW that I need a reason to stay away from him. I need a real reason. I can’t help myself unless…”

Xander sighs impatiently then softly cuts me off, "To be honest, he's a great guy. He had a thing for someone else I was close with and he broke her heart and I know you're a little more sensitive than you come across and I know how easily he could hurt you."

I smile, "Babe, thanks for the warning." That was all I could say. Xander has been very loyal, and a little moody, and I feel bad. Although I'm sort of insulted he doesn't think I can handle myself.

"I know... about James… and I'm... I'm really sorry. I hope you know to come to me when you're struggling with thoughts or emotion. I know I'm a guy and I don't understand as much... But I promise, I will keep you safe and as happy as I can," he sounds like Sammy. I can even see a bit of Sam in him. The way he worded that, like he wants to keep me happy. I don’t know.

I'm no longer worried though. It feels nice that he knows. Almost a weight lifted off my shoulders and one less person to tell when the time is right.

I tell Xander I'll call him as I embrace him quickly, debating whether or not to give him a quick peck on the cheek, but I don’t. I then turn back towards the door. Anxiousness fills me and rushes to my head. I don't know what comes over me but all of the sudden my eyes meet Jack’s through the glass door and then the world goes blank.

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