Chapter 11

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Sammy finds me in the hall on the way to our Sports Entertainment class. We walk from the third floor to the first.

"How was your day today?" He asks because no one has said anything in the past minute.

"It was fine," I say.

"Fine?" He questions and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah fine," I say with a extra cheesy smile. He shoots me a look that says, 'come on, I know something's up.' He gives me this look too much. It’s like he thinks he knows me too well.

But he doesn’t.

Really nothing is wrong. Not right this moment, "I just really hate school."

Sam laughs, "Doesn't everybody?" He takes his arm and places it back at his waist, "But you like it here right? Here in Omaha?"

"Yeahhhh... Why?" I say not so reassuringly.

"Just making sure, I want you to be happy. If you ever need me to kick someone’s ass or through a rave…" we laugh and I roll my eyes at him. We approach the classroom and he opens the door for me.

"Thank you. But anyway I'm happy here, I'm really glad I moved to some place soooo... ya know..." I make a gesture to my surroundings.

Coach has a seating arrangement planned out and starts calling out names. He places me in a seat at the front center table surrounded by the school's quarter back Drew, a sophomore who everyone calls Sparky and a nameless someone who wasn't there that day.

"Jack Gilinksy!" Mr. Smentz calls out welcoming the muscular boy in from the doorway, "Johnson!" He gives a bro handshake to each of them before pointing them to their seats.

Great, the Jacks were in this class.

Jack Johnson gets pointed over in my direction. Which meant Jack probably had the empty seat next to me.

He sets down his bag and sits down, "Hey Catherine! I didn't know you like sports!" He says with a hushed tone as Gilinsky gets situated a couple tables away.

Then starts a short conversation about our favorite sports and teams we follow.

Class starts with a class period long talk of the current football season and when that discussion ends we have a few, maybe sevenish minutes of free time.

The coach was really lenient on that type of thing. He knows that his class is the last of many in the long school day. Sometimes he even let's us leave the classroom two or three minutes early which is nice.

Jack Johnson stands up and walks next to me over towards Sam. Immediately Jack J starts catching up with Sam, who he hasn't talked to for the last three days or so, and Jack G comes up behind me.

"So...?" He takes the longest pause, I feel, humanly possible, "Umm how was your weekend? Are you... Feeling better?"

I stiffen up, "Yeah... Thanks, my, uhh, my weekend was fine. Kinda low key. And yours?"

"So exhausting ya know?" Figures. You fly a long time just to party to thousands of fans. I'd be pretty tired too.

I give a small smile and laugh, "I bet, so how is magcon? Like is the fame worth living up to and all?"

"Yeah I mean, Jack and I love it," he says playfully punching his friend in the back. Without any acknowledgment from Johnson he continues, "at first, having fans and being forced to meet fans and take pictures with them and all was weird as f.....But uhh you get used to it and you learn to love and appreciate the fans more each day. And the guys are all like brothers to me."

The whole time he talks he stares right into my eyes. Almost as if he was looking past them. He seems to be talking into a different reality.

"So who's your favorite of the boys?" I ask him just trying to continue the conversation. Continuing the topic is weird but changing it would be weird I feel.

"Ugh if I had to pick, other than my boy Johnson, I'd have to say... Shawn. He's so innocent and humble. He really knows what he wants in life and is determined and passionate enough to go for it. He really makes us proud," I hadn't noticed Jack G had such a deep side to him even though it lasted for a few seconds. It was a different soft side and I like that, "Why who's your favorite?" He chuckles.

"I dont know brahhh, probably one that's cute and nice and really funny... So probably not that brown haired Jack kid." I give him a smile and a playful motion to imply that I was just joking while laughing.

He smiles back, "Real cute."

He says Shawn is this passionate and humble guy. When in reality Jack is the one who seems like the passion inside of him is driving him to do everything he does and say everything he does. If you ask me, it's kind of a sexy and amazing quality to have.

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