Chapter 18

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Of course there are drinks at the party and of course I am going to steer clear of them. The last thing I need is being the new girl with the bad reputation. After a couple people start drinking one girl recommends spin the bottle. Almost everyone agrees to play and I’m not going to say no to that. There are so many people anyway that I will probably never get picked.

I’ve never played before so I’m not really sure how they play it here. Although one of the girls besides me explains that; 1. If you get the same person twice in a row you have to use tongue. 2. Same sex spins kiss on the cheek or forehead. 3. In the unlikely odds you get three in a row you have to go into another room and partially fool around and you HAVE to do it or else you owe the grossest guy in school a blow job. Of course I laughed at that one because that’s kind of a rule an eighth grader would make up.

The circle is quite large and I’d assume that there are thirty people or so in it. Mack Greder volunteers to go first. He spins a brunette girl named Lisa.

Lisa spins and gets Bob.

Bob spins and gets Mike.

Mike spins and gets Nancy.

Nancy spins and gets Sammy.

Sammy spins and it lands on me. I crawl to the middle of the circle and give him a quick peck on the lips. I slightly laugh seeing as he’s my best friend and it’s sort of an awkward situation.

As I spin, I’m nervous, I don’t know why but butterflies build up in my stomach. I laugh at the intense awkward air circling around me. I spin the glass beer bottle and it lands on…Sam.

Some people “OHHHHH” and “AHHHH” but I crawl back into the middle of the circle and he does too. As he crawls back to the center he flails his tongue in a squirmy worm-type fashion. He’s just joking obviously.

When we get to the center he quickly cups my face and presses his lips on top of mine. He guides my lips back and forth, his lips as soft as butter, pull softly and tenderly on mine. So that it’s very obvious to everyone watching, he sticks his tongue out and slides it past my lips, past my teeth, and inside to tango with my tongue. It is sort of awkward since most of his tongue has entered my lips but he’s good. Sam is an extremely good kisser.

I can’t tell if he is trying when it comes to this kiss because everyone is watching or if he is just joking. Either way he’s the best kisser I’ve every kissed. He was so good that I was praying to God he would get me again so that I could kiss him one last time.

I laugh to myself seeing as I just asked God to “fool around” with my best friend.

Sadly Sam spun some other guy and the game continued for another ten minutes before everyone broke off again.

I also was hoping that Jack Gilinsky and I were to be forced to kiss at one point during the game so that I could test him out. But neither of us spun the other.

In fact, after the game I wanted to make it a point to go and talk to him but he vanished. I don’t know whether he stepped out for a minute or if he just disappeared within his friends. I kinda am avoiding Sam as of right now due to the game. I’m not sure what I should say and I don’t want to say something stupid about his skill as a kisser.

So I carry on talking to other friends.

The night is still young and I know something big is coming for me. I can feel it.

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