Chapter Twenty Two: A Distraction

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Nightgirl POV

When I yelled for the Titans to go, they all got out of the hole and attacked the ravagers. I kept blasting the ravagers with my blue star bolts and the rest of the Titans used their own abilities.

I jumped up and I kick two ravagers in the face, knocking them out. Robin ran up to a ravagers and cuts the ravager in the stomach and I saw there a ravager behind him and was about to shoot him at the head and I jump up to one of the crates and I extended my hand at the ravager behind Robin and created a blue star bolt from my hand and release the star bolt and it hits the ravager. Robin turns around and looks at me.

Robin POV

When I turned around, I realize Nightgirl saved me and I looked up at her.

"Robin! Stay with us!" She yelled and jumped off the crate and went back to fighting.

"I could take care of myself." I mumbled myself and we started taking out the last of the ravagers. There was one last ravager left and I jumped up on top of the crates and I threw a birdarang at the ravager.

Red Robin POV

The ravager was still up and Robin jumped down from the crates and crushed the ravager.

"You prepared well. And I thought Todd was bad at shooting than you." He teased

"Robin, stop complementing on the bad guys but, he is right, be ready for anything, Titans." I said

A large door opens revealing two large machines with guns on them and they came out of the garage door and they started shooting us along with a couple of ravagers by their side and started shooting us. We all ran behind the large crates and all the Titans went behind one of the large crates on one side and me and Nightgirl went to the other side.

"Mind teaching me that move you taught me last time?" I said pushing some of my hair back.

"Now? I do admire your boldness but what will others think?" Nightgirl smirked

My eyes widened and I blushed a little.

"W-what? N-no I didn't-" I got cut off by her giggling and I smiled at her.

"Oh okay, you got me, the training you taught me." I smirked

No One's POV

The ravagers kept shooting the Teen Titans and suddenly, Red Robin flew up with Nightgirl dangling from his hand and flew to the ravagers with Nightgirl and he tossed her to the ravagers and she started shooting her start bolts and Red Robin jumped to one of the machines and punched the ravager that was controlling the machine.

"TITANS, GO!" Nightgirl yelled

All the Titans ran towards the ravagers and started knocking out the ravagers using there abilities.

Red Robin punched a ravager and he ran out of the weapons room. Nightgirl kicked a ravager and saw Red Robin leave the weapons room. Nightgirl decided to run after Red Robin and to see what he is up to.

Wondergirl swirls her lasso around and puts her lasso around a ravager and tosses him to the wall. A ravager kicked Wondergirl on her side and was about to shoot her but Superboy punches the ravager in face knocking him out. Superboy held up his hand at Wondergirl to help her up. Wondergirl smiled accepted his hand.

"Thank you, Kon." She thanked him

"No problem, Cass." He smiled

They both look at each other with a long silence and suddenly hears gunshot going out making break their eye contact. The ravagers kept coming and started shooting them. Wondergirl and Superboy looked at each other and smirked.

"Let's do this." She said holding up her lasso and Superboy clenched his fist.

Superboy and Wondergirl looked at the ravagers and charged at them.

Red Robin POV

I kicked the ravager in the face and I walked to the computer from the hallway and I was shutting off all the security cameras from inside and canceling the lockdown.

Nightgirl ran up to me and started watching what I was doing. She looked down the hall and shoot the ravager down the hall with her blue star bolt. She looked at me and I just kept my eyes on the computer.

"Can you please do not do that again next time, Tim. I worry." She said putting her hand on her hip.

"Sorry, babe. Just want to hurry and get this job done and we could deal with the other three." I said still typing the computer.

"You know I have been doing a lot of thinking." I said

"Lockdown, cancel." The computer announce to us.

"About what?" Nightgirl asked

I took out a birdarang and I threw the birdarang down the hall from her side and hit the ravager in the face and the birdarang comes back to my hand and I put it back in my utility belt. I cancel all the security cameras and me and Nightgirl walked off, side by side.

"Me and you should take some further steps in our relationship." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"You mean, you want us to move in together or what?" She said

"What I mean is that since you and I have a daughter, maybe you and I could think about maybe we could get marr-" I get cut off by looking down the hallway.

The ravagers started firing their guns at us and me and Nightgirl dodge them.

"To be continued." I said

Nightgirl blasts the ravagers her blue star bolts making the ravagers hit wall. Nightgirl and I ran pass them and we ran trying to find Harvest and we ended up back in the main room.

"Do you think Harvest left?" Nightgirl asked looking at me.

"No. He is probably still here but keeps on sending distractions to us." I said

"And let's say you fools are at his next obstacle." An unknown voice said

Nightgirl and I turned around and we see the father and son.

"Deathstroke and Deathrider." I growled

"Hello, Nightgirl and Red Robin. Long time no see." Deathstroke said taking his blade out.

'Great. Just great.' I thought

Now its starting to go down.
Red Robin & Nightgirl vs. Deathstroke & Deathrider

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