Chapter 2: Glitch

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Brian's POV

Once Samantha- Sam for short, has the basics down, I offer to let her stay with me. She agrees and I build her a room of her own. So far, of all the colors she's seen, she says she likes green the best.

"So you and Notch are brothers?" She asks. "Who's your mom?"

"Oh, I'm not biologically related to him!" I laugh. "He made me, just like he made you. He created me to be his brother, and now you're in the family, too!" She smiles and giggles.

"So you're my older brother!" She giggles. "And so is Notch!" I nod.

"And now it's time for bed, little sis." I chuckle. "Before the monsters spawn."

"Monsters?!" She exclaims.

"It's ok, they only come at night, and only in the dark." I assure her. "Besides, I'll teach you how to fight." She smiles and nods. I take her to her room and tuck her in. She smiles at me and I head to my own room. I pay down, smiling to myself, then fall asleep.

Samantha's POV

" Woah!" Brian laughs. "Notch added a new mob, look!" I look to see a weird creature. It's green, with no arms and four legs. I jump in excitement.

"It looks so huggable!" I laugh.

"Notch always tells me if he adds a new monster, so I think it's ok." Brian chuckles. I smile and run up to it, hugging it. It starts to hiss, then explodes.

I sit up in bed, screaming into my pillow. When I calm down, I sigh. I put the pillow back on the bed. I sit up and I notice my face is wet. Why is there water coming from my eyes? Is that normal.

I step out of my room, then go to Brian’s room. I open the door, seeing that he's asleep. I hesitate, then turn to leave.

"Sam?" Brian asks. I stop, glancing over my shoulder. Brian’s sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes. "Why are you crying? Are you ok?" Crying, so it is normal for water to come out of your eyes.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" I ask. "I... had a bad dream..." He nods and motions for me to come over. I do so and he lays me next to him, my head resting on his chest. I snuggle up to him, and fall back asleep soon afterward.

(Time skip)

A few years into the game, and Brian and I have grown to be pretty good in combat. In fact, when we're together, we're pretty much unbeatable.

"Well, would you look at that?" Brian laughs as we head home from the mines one nighs. "I didn’t know Notch added a new mob!" I look and freeze. I recognize this mob. I dreamed about it a few years ago.

"We shouldn't go near it." I mumble.

"Notch would've told us if it was hostile." Brian laughs. "It's fine! Look, see?" He walks up to the thing and I panic. It begins to hiss, I push him out of the way. I draw my sword to kill it, but it explodes before I ever get the chance.

Brian’s POV

When the creature explodes, I panic and run towards Sam. She's laying on the ground. I run to her, in a panic. The explosion tore her flesh badly, she's bleeding.

"You'll be ok!" I promise, though I know it's not true. "You-"

"Did it hurt you?" She interrupts, I stare at her in disbelief. "Did it hurt you?!" She presses.

"I'm fine, worry about yourself!" I exclaim. "Just hang on, ok? You'll be fine. I-I'm gonna message Notch!" I pull up chat. My plan is to tell him Sam is dying, but I've hardly put in the "m" in Sam when she turns into a pile of items.

I close chat, not bothering anymore. I fall to my knees next to where Sam had been. I can't believe it... she's gone. It's unbearable, I can't stand it. I scream in anger and grief, feeling tears streaming down my face.

Server: teleported Notch to Brian

Notch’s POV

I've just finished programming in a new dimension, the Nether, when I hear it. I hear Brian’s scream from where I am, although he's a far distance away. For him to scream that loud, something is definitely wrong. I teleport to Brian, praying he's ok. I see him on his knees in the center of a crater, tears falling from his eyes and he's surrounded by items.

Sam’s items. My little sister's items.

"What happened?" I ask, numb from shock.

"You didn't warn us." Brian growls. "You never warned us about the new monster!" I tense.

"I never added a new monster." I pull up the game's code. Immediately, I'm greeted by letters and numbers that- rather than being green, is red.

I programmed the game so that if there's a glitch, the code turns red and I can find it quickly.

"Green, no arms, four legs!" Brian snaps. "You never added that in?!"

"A glitch." I explain. "And just before I started working on respawning..."

"Respawning?" He asks. I quickly explain about it and he jumps to his feet.

"We can use that!" He exclaims.

"Brian, this isn't fully complete, her code may change and-" I begin.


"Brian!" I grab him by the shoulders tightly. "She's my sister, too, and I want her back as much as you do! But I want to revive my sister, not change her!" He stares at me, then begins crying again. I sigh, knowing I'm about to hate myself.

"I can try it. I guess I need to test the respawning anyway." I mumble. "If she comes back wrong, I'm going to try again." He nods, smiling widely.

"That's ok!" He laughs. "That's fine with me!"

"We're gonna teleport to my home." I say. "We'll do it there." He nods and grabs my hand, and I teleport.

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