Chapter 22: Lick

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Herobrine's POV

Three won't let me do anything to strain myself, not after last night. He made me drink twelve healing potion so far, and makes me drink another if he catches me trying to use magic. That last part probably has something to do with the fact that I cough up blood whenever I try to use magic.

"I'm not gonna die if I get out of bed, you know." I grumble. "I'm sore, that's it."

"I don't want to risk you being hurt." He says. "I want to be sure." I tense when I hear that, being hit with a flashback.

"You need to be careful next time." Notch sighs. "If Sam hadn't been there to keep you safe and message me, you could be dead right now."

I had been mining with Sam, and a zombie got the drop on me. Litterally, it dropped on top of me from a higher level in the cave. Sam had been able to kill it and save me, but not before it did some serious damage.

Notch hasn't let me out of bed once, and every once in a while gives me yet another healing potion.

"I'll be fine if I don't drink this, you know." I mumble. "I'll still recover."

"I don't want to risk you being hurt." He says. "I want to be sure."

Tears fill my vision as I realize... Three has been more of a brother to me than Notch has. He notices the tears and immediately seems worried. He walks up to me, wiping my tears away gently.

"Are you in pain?" He asks, tone soft. "Is there something I can do? What's wrong?" I smile and shake my head, then hug him.

"Yeah." I chuckle. "I'm great. Thanks." He looks confused, then summons a healing potion.

"I think the loss of blood is getting to your head." He says, handing it to me. I laugh. However, rather than arguing with him, I just drink it.

(Time skip)

"Ok, you can go outside." Three says. "But not alone."

After three days of being trapped in my room, I've been dying to get outside. This is the first time he's even made an offer for me to go outside, so I'm kinda surprised.

"That works for me!" I exclaim excitedly.

"I can't go right now." He says. "But I have a friend who wants to meet you anyway. He'll be going with you."

"Oh." I say. "Ok, who is it?"

"His name's Lick." He answers, causing me to burst out laughing.

"What kind of name is that?!" I laugh. He smirks.

"That's how everyone reacts to the name." He chuckles. "He's actually pretty nice. I haven't met anyone who doesn't like him. Anyway, whenever you want to go outside. I've got something to do, but I won't be too long." He pulls up chat, sends something, then disappears.

Server: teleported Lick to Herobrine.

He has brown hair and tan skin. He wears a green long-sleeved shirt, which fades from emerald green at the top to lime green at the bottom, blue jeans, and black shoes. His face is hidden under a black and white mask, which seems somewhat feminine.

"Hello." He says when he sees me. "My name is Lick. You are Herobrine, I presume?" I nod.

"That's me." I confirm. "Nice to meet you."

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well." He replies.

"Well you sure talk formally." I chuckle.

"It is simply my way of speaking." He responds. "Just as you speak the way you do, or Brineary speaks. However, I will say, Brineary is quite strange. I do not understand why he will constantly call people 'man,' or 'dude.'"

"I don't either." I laugh.

"I was told of what you did." He says. "Strained your magic, yes?" I blush.

"Three hasn't let me leave since." I mumble.

"Do not feel embarrassed." He chuckles. "Entity_303 made that exact mistake. I would not let him leave his home for a week. Brineary also did so." I laugh.

"And here I was thinking only I was that reckless." I laugh.

"Now, unless I am mistaken, you wanted to leave this room." He says. "Shall we?" I nod quickly. He chuckles.

"I haven't seen the sun on three days!" I exclaim, practically jumping in excitement.

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