Chapter 30: After the battle

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Herobrine's POV

Once I got Notch back to Mojang HQ there was plenty of shock from the workers.

The first thing we see is Steve, who is at the bottom of the stairs. He's bleeding like crazy, and it seems like a lot of his bones are broken.

"Steve!" Notch exclaims when he sees him. He runs to Steve, sitting him up against the wall. "Steve?! Steven!" I notice him trying to summon a healing potion, it barely starts to form. I guess the healing potion I gave him helped, but not enough. He glares at me over his shoulder, and I'm a little surprised.

I never noticed before now, but Notch... always had a kindness about him. Towards me, at least. Of course, I didn't realize it, but even when he stabbed me, he had a look of regret, loss, and love in his eyes. If you paid attention, you could see that he still cared. Now, however, there's no sign of it. Only anger is in his eyes. He only glares at me for a second, but it's enough to make me realize how this affects him.

He rips off the sleeves of his shirt, the long-sleeved shirt looking like a T-shirt now. The only way you can tell is the tears on the edges of his sleeves. He rips off a section of the fabric, just enough to wrap around one of the wounds. He continues to do this until I recover from my shock and summon a healing potion. I hand it to Notch, who's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, his eyes widening.

"I'm not you," I say. "I won't make you watch your son die." He hesitantly takes the potion, then uncorks the bottle.

"Thank you." He whispers as he pours the potion over Steve's wounds.

"Don't go anywhere," I order. "I won't be gone long." I head up the stairs, looking for the others.

Lick and Null are on the stairs, they finish off a couple of Mojang workers before they notice me. Null waves when he sees me.

"Got out of the trap, I see." I chuckle. Null nods.

"Indeed." Lick agrees. "And I assume your battle with your brother is over?"

"I won," I answer. He smiles, Null makes the strange hand gestures again and I sigh.

"I still don't understand you, you know that, right?" I ask. Null facepalms, then a book and quill appear in his hand. He writes something in it, then hands it to me.

I said "good job." Maybe Three or Lick can teach you sign language.

"Speaking of Three..." I add. "You guys seen him? Clearly, he won against Steve."

"Why do you say that?" Lick asks.

"Steve was at the bottom of the stairs, he looked pretty bad," I answer.

"You did not leave him in that state, I hope?!" Lick exclaims, worry in his tone.

"No, he'll be fine." I sign. "Anyway, I'm gonna go find Three." They nod, and I head up the steps.

When I do find Three, Brine's with him. Three's trapped in a cage, the bars glowing red. Brine's got a pickaxe out, breaking the bars.

"Stupid Jeb." Brine grumbles. "I can't wait to kill him."

"We don't need to kill anyone else." I say, reaching them just as Brine breaks Three out. "I beat Notch."

"Still gonna kill Jeb." Brine growls.

"Good job." Three interrupts, changing the subject. "I was starting to get worried."

"You doubted me?" I joke.

"No, but I'm allowed to worry." He chuckles.

(Time skip)

Three wasn't too happy about leaving Steve alive, but I'm sure he'll get over it. As for Brine, he keeps freaking out at Null. Apparently Null was in charge of keeping Jeb trapped and he escaped. Whatever Jeb did, Brine really wants him dead. It's past midnight, yet he's still up, looking at a map he took of Mojang HQ he made.

"Maybe I can get into his office and catch him off guard." He mumbles to himself. "Before he realizes what's going on, the monster's heart will be out."

"Brine, get some sleep, for heaven sake!" I exclaim. "You don't need to find Jeb right this second!"

"Jeb should have been killed the same day you beat Notch." He growls.

"Why are you so insistent on killing him?!" I demand. The words have barely left my mouth when Brine throws the map to the ground, a look of fury in his eyes.

"Put two and two together, man!" He snaps. "What do you think happened?! I don't just want to kill him for the fun of it!" I'm silent for a second, then sigh.

"He killed your brother." I sigh. "But would he want to see you acting like this over him?"

"Doesn't matter." He grumbles. "He's not around to see me..."

"And killing Jeb isn't going to bring him back." I point out.

"I don't care!" He shouts. "My bro and I did nothing wring, yet he attacked us! Sure, he was a virus like me, but we hardly acted different than a player! He's dead, and for no reason at all!"

"I understand." I say calmly. "I really do. But you don't need to kill over it. It’s not fair to kill in your brother's name, he probably wouldn't want them dead."

"It also wasn't fair for Rogziel to die!" He snaps. "He didn't want to be killed, either!" And right then, something clicks. When I first met Brineary, he looked so familiar... now I know why.

"Rogziel... your twin?" I ask. His anger is instantly replaced with shock.

"I-I never told you-" He stutters. "H-how did you-" I smile a bit, pulling out the blue object Rogziel gave me.

(A/n: sorry I didn't update last week! Things happened!)

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