Chapter 54: Lick's talent

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This amazing drawing was made by Dark_Gamer25!

Herobrine's POV 

"Lick, I swear to Notch if you're cheating-" Three begins.

"He's not you." I laugh, elbowing him. "He has a thing called integrity."

"It's his first time playing!" Three protests. "He's winning!"

"I am gifted with excellent judgment and coordination." Lick smiles. "It is quite helpful."

"Lucky." Three grumbles, crossing his arms.

"You're just mad because you're losing." I joke, playfully hitting him on the shoulder.

"You're losing, too!" He protests.

"I'm not a sore loser." I shrug. He frowns, crossing his arms and sitting in a nearby chair.

"Whatever." He grumbles.

"Come on, grumpy." I chuckle, sitting in a chair next to him. "You can't win everything." The corners of his mouth twitch upward.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He admits, sitting back in his chair. "Hey, I'm gonna go get some pizza, you want some?" I stare at him in confusion.

"What's pizza?" I ask. He laughs.

"I'll get you some, it's really good." He laughs. "Lick, you want some?" Lick shrugs.

"I suppose it would not cause harm to try something new." He says.

"I'll be back in a minute." Three chuckles then gets up and heads down the walkway.

"I believe it is your turn," Lick says once Three's gone. I look up at the screen, seeing my name is highlighted. I chuckle, shrugging. I grab a ball off the rack and roll it down the aisle, knocking down six pins. I grab another ball, knocking down the other four.

"Spare!" I laugh. "ten points!"

"Well done." Lick congratulates.

"Thanks." I smile. "Ok, your turn." Lick nods and grabs a ball off the rack. He stares at the pins for a second, then rolls the ball, knocking all the pins down.

"Strike!" I chuckle. "Nice one!"

"Thank you." He says. "It is quite an easy game, once you learn to play it."

"Well, you have good  judgment and coordination." I remind him. "It's probably not as easy for normal people." He shrugs.

"Perhaps." He admits, then glances up at the screen, where Three's name is highlighted. "I suppose we shall have to wait for Entity_303 to return before we may continue."

"Yeah, probably." I chuckle, sitting back in my chair. "But he'll probably be back soon." He shrugs, sitting in the chair across our table. We sit in comfortable silence for about a minute before a voice grabs our attention.

"Hey, we've got the freak squad over here!" A male voice laughs. I sit up in my seat, turning to see who spoke, Lick reacts similarly.

There are two teenagers, one boy, one girl, two of them have matching marks on their arms (I later found out those marks are called "tattoos"). The boy has black hair, brown eyes, and wears a red jacket, a dark gray T-shirt, blue jeans, black sneakers, and around his neck is what I learned is called a "lanyard," he's probably eighteen. The girl has blond hair, blue eyes, and is wearing a black jacket, a red sweater, black sweatpants, white boots, and a silver heart necklace, she's probably nineteen. The two have cornered a group of teenagers, One boy, and two girls. The boy has blond hair, brown eyes, and wears a bright blue jacket, an orange shirt, black jeans, and white sneakers, he seems about fifteen. The first girl has red hair with green eyes, and she wears a bright green hoodie with blue jeans and red sandals, she seems maybe sixteen. The second girl has dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, and wears a yellow T-shirt with blue jeans and blue tennis shoes, she's probably fourteen.

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