Chapter 52: Painting

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Herobrine's POV

I'm painting by the river a few miles away from my house. I like to paint near the river, the sound of running water is nice to listen to. I have a river near my house, but since I burned down the forest, I don't have any shade to sit in.

I should be nervous about being in the forest because of Green Steve, but he'd be an idiot to attack me after last time.  

"What're you making?" Three asks, sitting next to me.

"I'm adding a painting to my journal," I answer.

"Journal?" He gives me a confused look.

"Dream Journal." I explain. "That way I don't forget my dreams, and it also helps with nightmares." He smiles.

"Smart." He chuckles. "Can I see the painting so far?" I nod, showing him the half-complete painting of Null. "That's pretty good!" I smile.

"I had practice." I chuckle, then continue my painting.

I frown as I run out of black ink, summoning yet another ink sack. It's a little annoying, having to summon so much, but I put up with it. It's not Null's fault that he looks the way he does, after all. Besides, I figured it would be a pain when I decided to paint this.

Ever since paintings were added, I would start painting any images I saw in my dreams, so I wouldn't forget them. Once I was finished, I'd place them in a journal I kept for those kinds of paintings. I mostly wanted to do this because if I pay attention for long enough, I can find a meaning behind the images. On rare occasion, I'll even end up seeing the images later on, like a vision. Other times, I'll learn something new from them. I was lucky, Notch never took the journal from my home, so I was able to get it back after being banished and killed. However, since I didn't have it in the Nether, there are a lot of dreams that have been forgotten.

The painting I'm making is of Null, standing with another blank figure. The other figure, rather than being black, is pure white. They both have their arms around each other's shoulders. In my dream, the white figure had been laughing. I could only tell it was him because Null was completely still, while the other figure's shoulders were shaking violently.

Once I'm done with Null, I move on to the other figure, and then the background. It looks like it's the real world, but different. The building in the background is very differently built, with a white fence around it, and a brick chimney. There are many windows and a balcony on the second floor. All around the house are trees with bright green leaves, the whole house is painted white. I can see a woman in the background wearing a strange white dress, it seems to be so tight around her chest that I'm surprised she was able to breathe. On her head is a hat like I've never seen before. It's large, white, and has a red rose sewn into it.

I smile as I finish the painting, letting any leftover ink disappear. I make one final check for any missed details, then smile, proud of myself. I ask Three if he wants to see, and he nods. I hand it to him.

"Must have been a long time ago." He says. "If it was real, I mean."

"What makes you say that?" I ask. He points at the house.

"That's an old-fashioned house." He explains. "It's from over two hundred years ago." He then points at the woman. "And so are the clothes. I never see women dress like that in modern time."

"Well, that's a relief." I chuckle. "That looks like it could suffocate her."

"Yeah, some women passed out from it." He admits. "I don't know why they were expected to wear it."

"Humans can be pretty crazy." I agree. "The only sane one I know is (M/n)." He laughs.

"Hey, I'm human, too!" He exclaims, playfully pushing me. "And there's also Alex!"

"No way, you're too good to be human." I protest, pushing back. "And Alex is an AI unless I'm mistaken." He shrugs.

"You have a point." He chuckles. "Ok, so if I'm too good to be human, then what does that make me?"

"You're just your own unique self." I laugh, throwing my arms around him. He hugs  back, laughing as well.

"Why don't you two kiss already?" Brine asks from above in a tree. We both jump a bit, then glare.

"Brine!" I protest.

"Revenge is sweet!" He laughs, jumping down from the tree. Three and I exchange a glance, and I can tell we have the same idea. We both push him back so he falls into the river. He surfaces, sputtering and glaring.

"I'll kill ya!" He snaps, swimming towards the shore. Three responds by summoning a spawn egg, throwing it at Brine. Brine yelps as a wolf spawns, looking angry as it begins to swim towards him. Brine quickly disappears. After a second, water is dumped on both of us. We look back up to see Brine back in the tree from earlier.

"Not cool, man!" He snaps. "You hacked in an angered wolf egg!"

"Don't mess with a hacker and his friends." Three chuckles. "Most people don't walk away alive."

"I'm your friend, too!" Brine protests.

"Hence why you're still alive." he chuckles.

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