Chapter 4: Who was that?

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Brian's POV

(Time skip)

I've lost track of how long we've been here. Clocks don't work, and there's no sun. It feels like it's been an eternity.

We managed to avoid starving to death because of those... zombiepigmen. They're peaceful until you attack them. It's bothered us every time we had to kill them, but part of me feels like we're doing them a favor. After all, this infernal dimension is nothing but torture. The rotten flesh they drop hardly helps, but it's kept us alive.

"Brian!" Sam exclaims as she runs up to me. I look to see her holding something in her arms. For the first time since we've been banished here, she's smiling.

She's told me over and over how sorry she is for getting us sent here, but I'm not mad. After all, I can only imagine how painful it must have been to be killed over and over like that. As for Notch, he was defending himself, and in a panic. I'm not mad at him either. Just... upset that he never brought us back.

"What is it?" I ask, confused. She place a bunch of mushrooms on the ground.

"We can make a mushroom farm!" She giggles. "No more rotten flesh! We can just have mushroom stew!" I smile and high-five her. We place a few red and brown mushrooms, using bones from those strange... black skeletons? I create bone meal and we grow the mushrooms. Afterward, we pull out a crafting table. We found the wood in some chests from the fortresses.

We craft some mushroom stew. We sit down, eating the stew. That's such a relief...

"I don't ever want to kill a pigman again." She says.

"Me neither. Now that we don't have to." I agree. "They are the reason we've survived so long."

"Exactly." She giggles.

Wow, this is the happiest she's been in a long time. I laugh, the sound strange to me after so long of feeling miserable.

"Brian... do you see that?" She asks, jumping to her feet. I follow her gaze, my eyes widen when I see it. All the way down the hill we're on and across a large lava pit.

It's something purple. I can't get a look from here, and I stare at it in confusion. I exchange a glance with Sam, who shrugs. We decide to keep our distance, just in case. After all, last time we went up to something new, Sam was blown up and we were banished here.

As we watch, something white emerges from the purple thing. It looks like a person. I stare at it, not sure how to feel. Did Notch add someone new to the game? If he did, why? To replace us?

It begins moving around the pit of lava, towards us. Sam and I draw our swords- made of gold, which was dropped by the pigmen, our old ones broke.

Is it friendly? Or hostile? I guess we're about to find out.

When it reaches us, I can see that it is a person. They're wearing white pants with a white cloak and their shoes are black. His skin is tan and his eyes are stormy gray. His hair is black. Who is this?

"Herobrine?" He asks. "Ovärdig?" They ask. Definitely a guy. Sam and I look at eachother, confused. He pulls up the game's code, and my eyes widen. He can do what Notch does? I thought only he could do that...

"Originally Brian and Sam." He mumbles. "I'm James. It's nice to finally meet you." He extends his hand out. Hesitantly, I shake his hand. Sam does the same.

"I'm here to get you out." He says. "Come on, you've been here too long, in my opinion."

"You're getting us out?" I ask. "Did Notch send you?" He looks annoyed at the mention of Notch.

"No." He answers. "In fact, I don't think Notch planned to bring you back. I just decided you should get to go home." I sigh. He motions for us to follow, then starts walking away. I'm about to follow when Sam grabs my arm.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asks.

"This is out chance to go home." I reply. "I'm willing to take the risk." She nods, and we follow him. He leads us to the purple thing from before. He jumps through, and I hesitate. Ok, here I go. I put my hand against it, and immediately a word pops into my head.


Definitely new to Minecraft. I go through, finding myself here. I'm... home... after so long...

I jump for joy when I see this. Home! Finally home! I'm grinning like a dork, but I don't care. I never thought I'd see here again. It's night time, and kind of cold, but I don't care!

Sam jumps through the portal behind me, and when she sees that we're home, she reacts similarly to how I did. I look at James, unable to stop smiling. He smiles himself, seeming satisfied about something.

"Thank you!" I exclaim. He chuckles.

"Glad to help. 10 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 5 hours, 27 minutes, and 18 seconds is a long time to be stuck in the Nether." He responds. "Now, I have to go. Enjoy living in the overworld again." He disappears.

"James." Sam says. "I like him." I chuckle. Then, feeling like I just have to do it, I start messing with her.

"Oooh!" I laugh. "Someone has a cruuuuuusssssshhhhhh!"

"What?!" She protests, blushing. "No I don't! I'm just thankful that he saved us!"

"I know." I roll my eyes. "I'm messing with you. She playfully pushes me, then stares at something behind me. I look to see a large lake, then pick Sam up. I carry her to the lake and throw her in. She squeals and splashes me with water. I laugh and jump in, splashing her back.

In the Nether, there's absolutely no water. This? We haven't been able to do this for a long time. And it's never been more fun.

We splash at eachother and laugh a lot. For a minute, I'm able to forget we were ever banished in the first place. Sam eventually dives under the water. I'm confused until I feel someone yank me by my legs, causing me to fall backward. I swim back to the surface, spitting out water and coughing.

"Gotcha!" Sam exclaims when she surfaces.

"Oh, it's on." I laugh and jump at her.

"Um... who are you?" A voice asks me from behind. I turn to see a man. He has ocean blue eyes, dark brown hair, and tan skin. He looks almost exactly like me. I remember him, Steve. Notch's son. If Steve knows we're here, how long until Notch finds out?

And will Notch send us back to the Nether?

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