Chapter 49: Rescue

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Herobrine's POV

"Ok, he's dead." Brine says as I continuously stab the poor player. I sigh, backing away from the player as he turns into a pile of items.

"Sorry," I grumble.

"Don't be." Brine sighs. "Better than takin' your anger out on Three."

Three won't let me go after Green Steve, he's too worried I'll get hurt. I know he's looking out for me, but I can't help but be absolutely furious. I raised Daedra, she's almost like a daughter, and Three won't let me go help her. Sure, I could beat him and he wouldn't be able to stop me, but I care about him. That leaves me here, filled with fury. I don't usually realize until too late, but lately, I've been doing things with more aggressiveness and force lately. For example, I broke the door off its hinges when opening it earlier today, or I was pushing my way through a group of villagers and... well... first minecraftians on the moon.

"It's just so stupid!" I snap. "Daedra is the closest thing I will probably ever have to a child, and he won't let me protect her!"

"Doesn't want you hurt." Brine reminds me. "G Steve nearly killed you twice, now."

"That's because he caught me off guard!" I exclaim. "This time I would be going to fight him! I can take him, bash his face in! I'll enjoy it, too!"

"There's the problem." Brine says. "Too emotional. You'll forget logic and make your attacks on a whim." I stare up at him, then put my face in my hands.

"I don't care," I grumble. "I just want her back." Brine nods in understanding.

"Maybe if you'd calm down, he'd let you go after her." Brine suggests.

"Maybe if he would let me go save her, I wouldn't be so freaked out!" I snap. He puts his hands up in surrender.

"Ok, fine." He says. "Then I have a different idea. It's reckless and I'll probably regret it later, but it's an idea." I jump to my feet in excitement.

"What is it?!" I demand. He chuckles a bit, then shakes his head.

"I'm not just gonna let you go, I'm not that stupid." He chuckles. "G has almost killed you twice. You're taking something with you."

"What?" I ask. "Anything!" He summons out a long, rectangular, wooden object with a metal bar connected, the hole between the bar and the wood is just big enough to hold onto.

"They shouldn't be in yet." He says. "In fact, they're quite a few updates away, but my brother could see the future. He saw these and... they're pretty helpful."

"What in the world is this thing?!" I demand.

"A shield. You've been to the human world, surely you've heard of a shield before." He frowns.

"No," I respond. "I haven't." He arches an eyebrow, then shrugs.

"Basically, it's used to block attacks and protect you." He explains. "Saved me from a lot. Here, you hold it like this." He puts his hand through the hole and holds it tight. He then takes a stance as if he expects a strong force to hit it. He then hands it to me, telling me to give it a try. I mimic him, holding it the same way before mimicking his stance. He nods in approval before smiling.

"Ok, so I'm taking the shield." I sigh. "Now what's your idea?"

"I'm gonna keep Three busy." He answers. "You get Daedra and take her home, I can give you..." He trails off, thinking.

"Just give me ten minutes," I say, he nods, smiling.

"I can give you more than that." He chuckles. "What do you say to fifty?" I smile widely, imagining what I can do with all that time.

"Alright, fifty." I chuckle.

"Ok, wait for the signal." He says, then disappears. I stand there, confused. We didn't decide on a signal, so I'm assuming it'll be obvious.

I wait for a few minutes, then chat pops up. I won't say I'm happy with Brineary's idea of distracting Three. It should be pretty obvious why.

Entity_303: Lick, Null, get over here! Brine just dug into a pack of silverfish then dug straight down to get away and landed in lava!

Server: Teleported Lick to Entity_303

Server: Teleported Null to Entity_303

I mean, it clearly worked, but I am not happy with him right now. Fun fact about Brineary, he can detect viruses, silverfish, and much more. It's how I know it wasn't an accident. Three, Lick, and Null would be in too much of a panic to realize this, however.

I want to go help Brine, but I don't want what Brineary just did to be for nothing. Instead, I teleport to Green Steve.

When I see him, he's near a cave. I duck behind a tree, hoping to have surprise on my side this time. I watch him as he places a poppy and an orchid in front of two different signs, which are placed on a block of stone. He then sighs and disappears. I frown, confused, but then shrug and head towards the cave. As I pass by them, I read the signs.

Red Steve

Blue Steve

I pause, confused. I remember Three once saying he was going to check on "the colors." Did he mean them? What happened to them?

I push the thought to the side, deciding I have much more important things to worry about. Daedra's in there, and I need to save her. It's only a matter of time before he shows, and I need to beat the clock.

I run into the cave, being met with several doors along the walls. All but one are wooden, the last one is iron. Well, that makes it obvious, Daedra would burn down a wooden door without difficulty.

I go up to the door, seeing that it's opened by a lever. I click the lever,  being met with a room made of iron, a single torch placed on the wall. Probably to keep mobs from spawning. Considering I'm the ruler of them, it was actually a good idea on his part.

I go in, seeing Daedra in the corner of the room. The second she sees me, she begins growling, baring her teeth, her pupils turning to narrow slits. She takes a stance as if ready to pounce, her wings extended and claws digging into the ground.

"Easy, girl," I say soothingly. "It's me, you don't need to worry." Her growling only gets louder, which confuses me. I store my sword and shield into my inventory, cautiously approaching her. She slowly backs away as I approach, and I show her my hands so she can see I'm not holding any weapons. She continues to growl, backing away until she hits the wall.

"It's ok," I assure her. "You know I would never hurt you, ever, right? It's ok." She continues to growl as I approach. Once I get close to her, she snaps at my fingers. I pull my hands away just in time. What's going on, why is she attacking me?!

"Come on, Daedra!" I exclaim. "Relax, would you? I'm here to take you home." She narrows her eyes at me suspiciously. "Come on girl, don't you wanna go home?" I reach to pet her, and she begins to sniff my hand. I let her, and once she's done, she finally relaxes. She lays down, her wings folding at her sides, and her pupils change back to those adorable, large circles.

"Well, that's disappointing." A voice calls from the doorway. "I was hoping she'd kill you." It sounds exactly like Steve's voice, which is to say, like mine but less deep. I glare over my shoulder, and Green Steve smiles at me.

"As if she would ever do that." I snarl. He grins.

"Apparently not." He agrees. "I guess I'll have to kill you myself." A sword appears in his hand.

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