Chapter 47: Painting

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Herobrine's POV

I smile as Daedra runs around the room excitedly. Now that I'm back from recovery, I can keep my promise of letting her outside tonight. She's so excited, it'll be her first time to see the stars, moon, and soft shades of color that come with nighttime.

"Cam down, girl!" I laugh. "You're gonna run into something!" She continues to run around, ignoring me. I laugh, catching her and picking her up. Once she's in my arms, she stretches out her winds and takes off. Before I can do anything, she takes to the air, then hits her head on the ceiling. As soon as she hits the ceiling, she yelps and crashes back to the ground.

I run over to her, scooping her into my arms. She wimpers, and I begin to quietly shush her. I check her head first, then her wings, then torso, then tail and legs. Thankfully she doesn't seem to have hurt herself too bad, just a couple scratches.

"I warned you." I sigh, summoning a healing potion. "You're still a young dragon, you need to be careful. I know Null told you your scales are supposed to be hard to break through, but that's when you grow up." I pour the potion over the scratches and she lays her head down between her front paws, much like a puppy might do. I pat her on the head, and she purrs.

Let me just say, this isn't the first time she's done something like this. She's been hurt enough times for me to realize you shouldn't really approach an injured and scared dragon. The only reason she's so calm with me is because I'm practically her dad. Had Three, Brine, or anyone else tried to get close, she'd have freaked out and shot a ball of purple flame at them. That's a skill she learned a couple days ago, and she's been trying out her new found ability at every opportunity.

"Be careful, ok girl?" I ask. She nuzzles my hand as a way of saying yes. "Good girl." I pull out a clock, seeing that the sun should set soon. "Let's go outside!" Her eyes light up with excitement.

(Time skip)

Daedra's tired herself out, running or flying around, chasing after all the mobs she's never seen before. I have to call her off several skeletons, zombies, creepers, and spiders. They all keep running away, screaming "Leave me alone, dragon!" They can't do anything about it, since I ordered that she isn't to be hurt.

Now she's just laying in the grass, gazing up at the stars, her tail swaying back and forth slowly. I chuckle, petting her, as her eyes begin to close, her purring never ceasing.

"Goodnight, girl." I chuckle. We stay there for a bit, until I notice she's fallen asleep. Slowly, carefully, I pick her up. She stirs a bit, but doesn't wake up.

"She's very cute." A voice says behind me. "You're very lucky." I glare over my shoulder at Notch, flame appearing around me. He quickly puts his hands where I can clearly see he has no weapon.

"I'm not here to fight!" He exclaims quickly. I hesitantly let the fire die out.

"Then why are you here?" I growl quietly, not wanting to wake up Daedra.

"I heard you were almost killed." He explains. "I wanted to see if you were ok." I roll my eyes.

"Well now you see that I'm fine." I respond. "Now you don't have any reason to stay." He frowns.

"I... guess not..." he sighs. "I'll get out of your hair. I'm sorry I bothered you." He prepares to put in a command when I remember something.

"Wait." I say. He pauses, not a word leaving his lips. "When I was fighting Abraxas, I was almost killed." Notch tenses, as if the thought bothers him. "While I was dying, I saw Sam."

"She must be furious with me." Notch mumbles, his head dropping.

"No." I chuckle. "She's not mad at all. In fact, she wanted me to say hi for her." He looks up at me, surprise and joy in his eyes.

"She... doesn't hate me?" He asks, his voice filled with relief. I can't help but smile a bit. I then do one of the most difficult things I've ever done.

"Here." I say, taking the painting of Sam and Notch from my inventory. "You should have this." I hand it to him, and his eyes widen.

"B-but- you-" he stutters. "It- s-she-"

"Sam's already with me." I interrupt. "But she was your sister, too. It's only fair you have her with you." His eyes fill with tears as he holds the painting like it's the most precious thing in the world.

"Thank you." He whispers. I nod, then carry Daedra back home.

Notch's POV

Once Herobrine leaves, I hold the painting close to my chest, looking around. I teleport back to my office in Mojang HQ, hanging the painting on the wall behind my desk.

Before now, I was starting to believe that maybe the Brian I knew is gone. However, this painting is proof that he's not. The Brian I know and love is still here, just different in appearance and name. I smile, sitting at my desk.

When I was in high school, back when making video games was just a dream, I remember my teacher made us read a passage by Shakespeare. There's one quote in there that I loved, that is true to this day.

A rose by any name is still a rose.

Herobrine: the untold story (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora