Chapter 12: Please no...

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(A/n: the picture above is of Sam)

Notch's POV

I keep managing to track them, but every time I do, something messes with it. I point it out to Jeb.

"It's the stupid hacker!" He growls. "You keep trying, I'm going to deal with him."

"Jeb." I say quickly. He sighs.

"I know, don't kill him." He mumbles. "James was human. I remember. Message me when you've found them." I nod and he disappears. I continue to try again, but still no luck.

If I can find somewhere that something has recently been to, I can track them down. But I have to do it within a certain amount of time. Like a wolf on a trail, the trail can grow cold eventually.

Suddenly, the tracking starts to work. Jeb must have found Entity_303. I sigh, summoning my sword. I build up my nerve, then teleport.

A jungle temple, the downstairs hallway. Brian and Sam are looting the place. Brian opens the chest, then quickly slams it shut. Confused, I look at his coding.

That stupid flesh! I never wanna taste the stuff again!

Guilt washes over me and I realize how they survived in the Nether. The zombiepigmen.

Brian and Sam start heading back towards me and I take a deep breath. I guess it's time to get this over with. I grip my sword tightly. I'm sorry, Brian. I'm sorry, Sam. I'm so, so sorry.

Brian's POV

"Sam!" I exclaim, pointing into a jungle. We've covered some good distance, but it's almost night time. Sam had told me to look for somewhere to take shelter. She looks at where I'm pointing and jumps with excitement.

"Two in one!" She laughs. "Shelter for tonight, and we get to explore our first jungle temple!"

"Remember, there are traps in there." I remind her as we approach. "Make sure to be careful." She nods eagerly.

Notch added in these just shortly before our banishment. He told us all about them. We just never found one before.

We go in, Sam is jumping from excitement. I smile when I see this. We go down the stairs and head down the hallway. Sam stops me just before I step on the trip wire, pointing out the dispenser. I smile awkwardly and step over it, then open the chest. Two diamonds, five iron, eight gold, then there's rotten flesh. I gag at the smell of the rotten flesh, flashbacks from the Nether hitting me like a punch in the gut. I slam the chest shut.

That stupid flesh! I snap mentally. I never want to taste the stuff again!

"You ok?" Sam asks. I nod, opening the chest again. This time, I cover my nose with my hand. I pull out the items and closing it quickly. I step over the tripwire again and we head back upstairs.

Just as we round the corner, I feel a pain in my chest and I find myself looking at Notch. I stumble back, coughing up blood, and Sam runs to my side.

"Brian?!" She exclaims. "Brian stay with me! Brian!" But begging me not to die isn't gonna do anything. I can tell, he barely missed my heart. I pull up chat, putting in a message.

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