Chapter 27: Wild

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Herobrine's POV

I'm waiting at the meeting point for the others. Lick and Brine are already here, Three's getting one more person for the attack. Someone named "Null" apparently, and someone else. When Three shows up, there’s an all-black figure with him.

"Brian, this is Null." Three explains. "Null, this is Brian." Null waves, then makes some strange movements with his hands.

"Uh... what?" I ask.

"He says nice to meet you." Three translates. "He's using sign language." I summon a sign.

"I thought this was sign language." I say. Everyone starts laughing, except for Null, who just claps.

"Anyway, I have a way in that will let us have a surprise attack." Three says once everyone's calmed down.

"Awesome." I smile. "What is it?" Three whistles a quick, loud, high-pitched tune.

WildOne456's POV

I hear James whistle. I smirk when I hear this and look around to see if either Notch or Jeb are nearby. No one's paying any attention. I slowly get up and start walking around the room, as if I'm looking for something, so as not to raise suspicion. Still, they ignore me, continuing to work.

I slip through the doors and calmly walk by, then make a bee line to the exit. I feel really excited about finally stopping this maddness. No one pays any attention, and soon I'm outside without any trouble.

I start running the moment I'm outside. I try to stay out of sight, since I don't want Notch to find out that I've slipped out and then have people pointing the direction I have gone.

I look around once I get there, feeling a little nervous toward meeting Three in the first place. I, of course, know that this is for everyone who has suffered needlessly.

The second they see me, Herobrine and Brineary immediately pull out their swords, having to be held back by Lick, Null, and James.

I look at Herobrine and Brineary in shock and slight fear. It takes a while before I calm door and wave slightly awkwardly.

"Hello." I mumble.

Herobrine's POV

A girl runs up to us not long after James whistles. She has red fox ears, red-orange hair, pale skin, and golden eyes. Her shirt is red, her boots black, and jeans. As she's approaching, Brine growls slightly.

"Mojang worker." He whispers to me. We both summon our swords, then Three, Lick, and Null move to hold us back. She jumps a bit, seemingly scared. She manages to calm down, then waves awkwardly.

"Hello." She mumbles.

"Guys, calm down!" Three exclaims.

"She's a Mojang worker!" Brine protests. "She'll give us away!"

She puts her hands up. "No! That's not why I'm here! If anything, I don't want to be found either!" A small bit of terror flashes in her eyes.

"She's helping us." James explains, he and the others let us go. "This is Wild. Wild, I think you know who these are?"

She lowers her hands and nods. "Yes. Brian, Brineary, Null, Lick, and you, James." She smiles.

"I told you to stop calling me James." Three mumbles.

"Sorry. It's a habit." She gently rubs the back of her neck, blushing slightly.

"It's fine." Three chuckles. "Anyway, we decided now would be the time of the attack."

"Finally!" She beams. "I was close to getting myself fired so many times already, I think I earned myself the title of 'employee daredevil'." Everyone chuckles.

"Uh... sorry I tried to kill you." I mumble.

"Yeah, me too." Brine agrees.

"It's okay. I would have done the same if I were in your shoes. I've seen what Notch has done to you both, and there are so many horrible things." She smiles a bit.

"Thank you for understanding." Lick responds politely.

"You're welcome." She nods.

"I don't mean to be rude, but the sooner we deal with Notch the better." I say. "Three says you know a way in that would allow us a surprise attack?"

"Exactly. I even snuck a map out to show you!" She beams as she holds up a map.

"I think you should stay out of the fight, so you can avoid being hurt, but it's up to you." Three says.

"Well, I just want to help keep the casualties as low as possible, both keeping people alive and giving you guys a better reputation." She responds. "If Jeb will allow it. I'll probably blackmail him after this though, so yeah. I want to help the best I can." Null makes the strange hand movements again.

"He says thanks." Three translates.

She smiles. "You're welcome. I'm more than happy to help. Perhaps I can make a distraction, to lessen the problems."

"We'd appreciate that." I agree.

She nods. "Alright, let's get going! I can't wait for it all to end."

"Lead the way." Three says.

She nods and holds out the map in front of her before she starts to walk to the Mojang building. We follow behind, invisible. She leads us through a few alleyways, looking around as if looking for something. We follow in silence.

She goes to the back of the building and holds a small object to a device by the door. She opens the door wide and just sits there.

"Where does this door lead?" Brine asks, his voice coming from seemingly nowhere.

"It leads to a stairwell that opens to Notch's hallway." She answers. "Go to the top floor to get there. I'll pull the fire alarm and get everyone's attention. I'll be doing a lot to get their attention."

"Thank you." Three says, and we head in. Once we're in, we allow ourselves to become visible again.

The alarm goes off not long after, and I smile.

"Let’s do this." I chuckle.

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