Chapter 21: oopsies

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Herobrine's POV

When the sun rises, I pull up chat. Three always gets up at dawn, he doesn't want to be asleep if someone needs his help. Also, I get the feeling he also doesn't like falling asleep. He's probably haunted by nightmares, just like me.

Herobrine: .gniog m'I tub ,ton ro htiw emoc nac uoY .gnajoM kcatta ot gnitiaw ton m'I

Server: teleported Entity_303 to Herobrine.

"You can't attack them yet!" He exclaims. His hood is up, hiding his face. I'm not sure why, but I brush it off, focusing on the topic at hand.

"Why not?!" I demand. "Notch could be hurting people as we speak!"

"You're not strong enough to go against the creator of Minecraft, especially not by yourself." He protests. "You can't just attack them!"

"I will be fine." I growl.

"Ok, prove it." He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"If you can beat me, you should be fine against Notch." He answers.

"Woah, I'm not gonna fight you!" I exclaim, putting my hands up.

"Then you're not gonna attack Mojang." He chuckles. "I don't believe for a second that you could beat Notch." I glare, then sigh.

"Fine. When and where?" I ask. He gives me some coordinates.

"I'll see you there in two minutes." He says, disappearing.

I sigh, waiting. When two minutes are up, I teleport to the coordinates, and there's James. He's not wearing his cloak, which I've gotten used to seeing him with. He's only wearing his white pants, so I can see his skin. He has scars all over his body, and I flinch when I see them. Ow, that must have hurt!

"The cost of protecting people." He explains. "Anyway, I'm ready when you are."

I shake my head. Now I want to fight him even less. However, every second I waste is another second Mojang could use to hurt someone. I need to prove that I can fight them.

I summon a diamond sword, allowing clouds to form above us. James smiles when he sees this. Ok, here we go.

(Time skip because I'm tired and lazy right now)

Two minutes. I lasted two minutes, and he said he was going easy on me. I'm now doubting every decision I've made in the past week.

"I think you should work on improving your magic." He says, handing me a potion of healing. The worst he got is a few injuries, hardly anything. He puts back on his cloak, then sits next to me.

"Why did you even take that off?" I ask.

"I don't like it getting damaged." He answers. "I can easily fix it, but I don't want it damaged in the first place."

"Then why wear it?" I ask. "You have a tendency to get shot or stabbed, you know." He doesn't answer, instead he seems to be lost in thought. I decide to just let him think. Meanwhile, I'm gonna take a walk. I stand up,sighing.

I teleport to my place to grab some food, then walk through the plains biome. As I do, I sigh. James beat me so easily, he's clearly better than me at combat and magic. Years, he said. I can't wait years, Notch needs to be stopped now.

Which means I need to push myself. Three stops teaching me as soon as I get even a slight pain, he's been having me take little steps. I need to push myself if I want to improve before anyone else gets hurt.

I growl a bit to myself. I look at my hands, willing myself to turn invisible. I reach transparency again and slowly, gradually turn invisible. I smile when I see this. Well, I'm not seeing anything, but that's the point.

I allow myself to become visible again. I summon a sword, then get an idea. Three goes against Minecraft physics all the time. Why don't I do the same?

I have no idea why I thought of this, but next thing I know, the blade of the sword is on fire. I begin to get a headache, and by reaction the fire goes out. I realize what I just did and force the sword to reignite. It's just pain, you should be used to it. I mentally scold myself.

I go on like this for a while. Trying new things, ignoring the pain, which slowly gets worse and worse. Eventually, my vision starts to get fuzzy, and I decide to take a minute to catch my breath. My whole body stings, my lungs are on fire, it's as if I just ran over a billion blocks. I find myself coughing, then pull back my hand, only to see blood. I know I should stop, that I'm hurting myself. However, as I'm about to give in, an image flashes through my mind. Notch is standing in front of me, holding a sword that's buried into my chest.

And that image makes me furious.

I summon flames. I'm not going to stop. Not until I pass out.

Every time I consider stopping, a different image flashes through my mind. Killed, banished to the Nether, forced to hide from my own brother. Those don't hurt me in the slightest compared to what the last image is. Sam, sitting next to me. She's begging for me not to die. Tears are in her eyes, and the sound in her voice...

That was the last time I saw her. After that, she was killed, and I lost my little sister. She wouldn't want me to give up on this, she wouldn't want anyone else hurt. She was always sweet like that.

I can hardly see, and what I do see is only a blurr. But I can't let myself stop. I have to keep pushing myself. I can't let anyone else get hurt. I need to be able to stop him.

"Brian!" A voice exclaims, but I hardly hear it. I brush it off, I'm probably hallucinating.

Someone grabs my wrist, and I look to see Three. I try to pull my arm away, but he tightens his grip.

"Let go of me." I growl.

"No way!" He responds. "You're hurting yourself!"

"I don't care!" I snap, trying to get away from him. "I don't care! Let go of me!"

"Brian, listen to me!" He orders, forcing me to look at him. "Why would you do this to yourself?!" Looking him in the eye, I lose it. I fall to my knees and begin sobbing, he responds by wrapping his arms around me in a comforting manner.

"She wouldn't want Notch to hurt anyone else." I force out as tears continue to stream down my face. "I have to stop him. I can't wait years. I need act now, before anyone else is killed!"

"I understand." He says soothingly. "But you need to remember, Sam wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, either. If you're going to act for her, then you need to take are of yourself while you do it."

"B-but-" I begin.

"No buts." He interrupts. "Sam is dead, but she still loves you. If she saw you right now, how do you think she would feel?"

I think back to wen she was crying, begging me to stay alive. She wanted me to live so badly...

"She'd be devastated." I answer. He nods.

"You need to be careful, Brian." He says. "Please, take care of yourself." I nod weakly.

"I will." I promise. He smiles and picks me up.

"Let’s get you to bed." He sighs. "You're gonna need your sleep. And you are definitely not getting out of bed tomorrow."

(A/n: I'm mean. XD)

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