Chapter 41: Decisions, Decisions.

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(A/n: is it just me, or is that picture amazing?!)

Herobrine's POV

As my vision begins to go dark, the feeling of Abraxas's hand around my throat fades. Then, before I know it, I'm watching Abraxas choke me, like I've been separated from my body.

"Brian..." a familiar voice says. I whirl around in shock. A young girl with cobalt blue eyes, chestnut brown hair, and tan skin. She wears an orange T-shirt and blue jeans with black shoes.

"Sam!" I exclaim, running up to her and throwing my arms around her. "I missed you!"

"I missed you, too." She giggles, hugging me back. "I've wanted to see you again ever since I died... but you can't stay."

"What?!" I demand. "Why not?! What if I want to stay with you?!"

"Brian..." She sighs. "You have family back there, friends."

"I have family here!" I counter.

"I know." She mumbles. "But please... don't give up... the Brian I know and love never gave up."

"But... Sam..." I plead. "I miss you... I don't want you to go." Tears fill my eyes, and she smiles, wiping them away.

"Oh, silly." She giggles. "I never left, and I never will."

"You promise?" I ask quietly. She looks me in the eye, the familiar kindness she's always had is there.

"I promise." She promises. I nod, glancing back at Abraxas, still choking my body. It's like time is frozen, he doesn't even blink.

"Alright." I agree. "I'll go back. Don't you dare break your promise!"

"I won't." She assures me. "And hey, next time you see Notch, tell him I said hi, will you?" I nod.

And just like that, I'm back in my body, Abraxas's hand around my throat. I feel a sudden burst of energy and next thing I know, Abraxas falls to the ground. I look down at him, and he's going through some severe convulsions, as if he's been electrocuted. I look down at my hands, seeing little sparks before they fade away. I smile a bit.

You wanted a fight? I laugh mentally. You've got one.

I grab him, throwing him into the air. I teleport above him and slam my body into him, sending him into the ground. A loud gasp goes through the crowd as I land, summoning a new sword. Abraxas struggles to get up, but his arms and legs give out on him and he falls back to the ground. I walk up to him.

"I guess I win." I chuckle.

"Y-yeah." He agrees. "That burst of energy did it..." I smile widely.

"Well, your time as their ruler is over." I say, raising my sword to finish him off. The crowd is deathly silent.

Abraxas look up at me, and I see something in his eyes that I can tell he's trying to hide. Fear. No, not fear, terror. Pure, haunting terror, and I freeze.

I remember when Notch stabbed me, how terrifying it was. I didn't know what would happen. What happens after someone dies, right? I had no idea! And then Sam... I was terrified that I couldn't protect her, so scared that Notch would kill her. I told Abraxas I wouldn't hurt them, but he has no reason to believe I'll stick to my word. He has no idea what will happen if I kill him now.

If I finish him off, then I really am a monster, just like almost everyone says.

At the same time, if I spare him, how do I know he won't try again? What's saying he won't get me in my sleep? Is it really worth the risk?


I have a difficult choice to make here....

I look up at the crowd, they all look horrified. All I need to do is bring my sword down, and their leader is dead...

Yet if I let him go, it could be seen as weakness and they might attack me...

What do I do...?

I stare down at Abraxas, then, making my final decision, I bring down my sword.

(A/n: alright, so... I lied about possibly killing Hero. In fact, I never planned- for even a second- to kill him more than once! I just wanted to freak you guys out! You can hate me now. XD)

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