Chapter 50: So close!

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(A/n: Just giving you a heads up, I plan to finish this story soon!)

Herobrine's POV

I draw my sword and shield, preparing to fight.

"I'm warning you now," I growl. "The only reason you've beaten me before is that you caught me off guard. You wouldn't win in an actual fight."

"Maybe not." He chuckles. "But we'll have to find out."

"Yeah, I guess we will," I say, I reach down and grab Daedra, then teleport her to Alex. I'd teleport her to Three, but that would send Three here in an instant.

Green swings his sword, I quickly pull out my shield and block it. In my other hand, I pull out my sword and swing it at him. He looks startled by the shield, I guess he wouldn't have seen one before either. The shock is satisfying to see. He ducks my attack and goes to kick my legs from beneath me. I jump over the kick, then grab him by the hair and throw him against the wall. He growls and jumps back to his feet, then runs at me. He grabs me by the wrists and pins my arms to the wall. I try to push him off me, but he tightens his grip, probably bruising them. I remain pinned to the wall. I sigh, knowing I'm going to hate this, but I don't have much of a choice.

I sink my teeth into his neck, causing him to yelp and let go, trying to back away. I take the chance to stab my sword into his chest. He backs up quickly, and I grin. He swings his sword again, and I raise my shield to block him. He growls, baring his teeth at me. That would be intimidating if he had sharp teeth or something, but as is, he just looks furious.

"What's wrong?" I taunt. "Did you not know I have sharp teeth, or are you just an idiot?" He runs at me, sword glinting dangerously. I teleport behind him, kicking him into the wall. I stab my sword into his leg, twisting the blade. He yelps, falling to the ground. I pull my sword out of his leg, raising it up to stab him again, when he suddenly begins to change. His hair changes to be long, chocolate brown locks, his skin becomes tan, his eyes cobalt blue, even his clothes change. His shirt becomes an orange T-shirt, his pants become blue jeans, and his miner's boots turn into black sneakers. When he speaks, it sounds just like... her.

"Brian..." Sam whimpers. "Please... you're hurting me! Stop!" I drop my sword instantly.

"Sam?!" I exclaim. "I'm so sorry, are you ok?!"

I know what you're probably thinking: Hero, that's Green Steve! What are you doing?! I'd like to see you do better! I was caught off guard, and in shock! It looked like my little sister was right there in front of me! You know, the girl who I'd never hurt?! Was I supposed to kill her?!

"Why did you stab me, Brian?" She asks, tears in her eyes. "I thought I could trust you!"

"You can!" I protest. "Here, drink this!" I summon a healing potion, giving it to her. She nods and uncorks the bottle. She drinks it, and her wounds immediately heal. She smiles.

"I would never hurt you." I remind her. She smiles widely.

"I know." She chuckles, then stabs me in the throat, twisting the blade. I stumble backward, falling on my back, a feeling of betrayal rushing over me as my eyes tear up. She begins to change again, and soon, "she" has changed back to Green Steve. I try to shout a curse at him, but all that comes out is blood, a few gargles as well.

"What's wrong?" He mocks. "Surely Three told you I can shape-shift? Or did he forget that detail? Oh well, that's your loss." I glare up at him. He comes up to me, pulling his sword from my throat, causing me to scream in pain. At least, I try to, the blood keeps me from doing that, too. "Of course, I could kill you right here, right now, but where's the fun in that? I'm gonna enjoy watching you bleed to death." I summon a white-hot ball of flame, sending it at him. He screams and jumps out of the way. When the flame hits the wall, it explodes. The explosion sends us both into the wall, knocking Green out and sending severe pains through my back. I stand, my left leg practically lighting on fire. I try to summon a potion. I summoned flame, surely I can heal myself, right? Apparently not, because the potion doesn't even begin to form.

I limp my way across the room, picking up my sword. I spit out the blood in my mouth, and approach Green Steve. He's unconcious, completely defenseless. After what he did: kidnapping Daedra, impersonating Sam, he deserves to die. I raise my sword, slicing toward his head.

"Woah, Brian!" Three exclaims, catching my arm before I can kill him. "What are you doing?! You're no murderer!" Notch dangit! When did he get here?! I glance at chat, seeing a message fade out.

Server: teleported Entity_303 to Herobrine.

So he just got here.

I glare over my shoulder at Three, yanking my arm from his grip. I don't bother to try and talk, knowing it'll only cause more blood to fill my mouth. He seems to notice the wound in my neck for the first time, and his eyes widen.

"You're going to Lick." He orders. I stare at him in confusion. "Well, I'm not gonna splash you with a potion! That looks like you somehow infected it!" I frown.

(A/n: Dang! So close! XD

Ok, so I'm sorry for not publishing! I was on vacation with my family for three days, then my internet crashed for a couple of days. I promise to make up for it by publishing at least two chapters tonight!)

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