Chapter 60: The trick

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Herobrine's POV

"I wouldn't bother." Three says as I reach for the handle to the door of Null's home. "He's brewing. When he gets to doing that, it may be days before he even notices you're there."

"I haven't heard a word from him in weeks." I protest. "I just wanna make sure Mojang didn't do something stupid.

"Believe me, he's done this before." He assures me.

"I'm still gonna check." I decide. He shrugs.

"Fine." He chuckles. "Not like he'll know the difference." I open the door, finding the house empty.

"Look, it's empty." I point out. He looks, but chuckles as he points to the bed in the corner.

"He's good at hiding." He snickers. I move the bed, finding a trapdoor. I open it, hearing footsteps as well as chests opening and closing. I slide down the ladder, spotting Null. He's dashing around the room, grabbing ingredients from chests and throwing them into various brewing stands placed around the room. He doesn't even notice me.

"You seem rushed." I point out. He gives me a quick glance, but continues. After a bit, all the brewing stands are filled and he sits down, waiting.

Did you need something? He signs.

"You know you've been down here for a week, right?" I ask.

Has it been that long? He asks, the slight shaking of his body signaling silent laughter. Did I worry you?

"A little, yeah." I admit, sitting next to him.

I like brewing. He explains. I lose track of time when I do it. Besides, I was about to try making a new one.

"New potion?" I chuckle. "Now you sound like Bethra." He shrugs.

Yeah, well I have to experiment to find certain potions like pain killers. He points out.

"Can I help?" I offer. He considers it before nodding.

Sure. He decides. As soon as he does, one of the stands finish brewing. He jumps to his feet- almost as if it's an automatic reaction. He dashes to the brewing stand, taking the potions and storing them in a chest.

I jump to my feet as well. He pulls some nether wart from a different chest, handing it to me as well as some water bottles. He points to the now empty brewing stand, and I get the hint. I store them in there.

"What are you hoping to make?" I ask. He opens another chest.

I want to try to make something for taking away abilities. He answers. Maybe then Mojang won't have an advantage over us.

"Clever." I chuckle. He pulls some blaze powder from the chest and gives that to me. The powder has a strange red glow, the one that indicated one of Jeb's charged blocks. Once the nether wart finishes, I carefully pour in the blaze powder. As it brews into the bottles, it begins to make a strange hissing sound.

Null grabs me, yanking me away from the stand and putting himself between me and it. Seconds after, it explodes.

"What the Nether?!" I exclaim in shock and confusion. "Are you alright?!"

Herobrine: the untold story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now