Chapter 51: Recovery

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Herobrine's POV

Lick takes off his mask, placing it carefully inside a chest. He then summons a bottle labeled "peroxide" as well as a cloth. He pours some liquid from the bottle onto the cloth, then walks up to me.

"I will warn you now." He sighs. "This will not be pleasant, I have yet to find someone who does not find this unpleasant." I nod in understanding. He presses the cloth to the wound on my throat and I hiss in pain, surprised to find that only a couple drops of blood find their way to my mouth. Lick shakes his head and sighs. He pulls out a bucket and holds it up towards my mouth. I give him a confused look.

"It is for the blood in your mouth." He explains. I spit the blood out into the bucket. He sets the bucket to the side, then presses the cloth to my throat again. I grit my teeth, forcing down another hiss.

"Had you not snuck away, you would have avoided this." He sighs. "I am quite unpleased with both you and Brineary."

I didn't ask him to almost get himself killed! I try to snap, blood filling my mouth. He frowns.

"Do not attempt to speak." He orders, holding the bucket up. "I have taught you sign language, use it." I spit into the bucket.

I didn't ask him to almost get himself killed! I sign quickly, frustrated. He scoffs

"You are fully aware of how reckless he is." He counters. "Perhaps you should have realized he would harm himself."

I'm not happy about it either, ok? I sign. It wouldn't have been a problem if Three had just let me go!

"Do not attempt to put the blame on him." Lick growls. "You are fully aware that he was simply wanting to keep you safe. You could have died."

One word: Daedra. I sign. She's like a daughter to me, was I supposed to let him hurt her?! I cross my arms stubbornly. Lick hesitates, then sighs.

"I understand your concern, perhaps I would have done the same." He admits. "I simply worry for you and the others. You and Brine frightened me." I uncross my arms and sigh.

I'm sorry I worried you. I apologize.

"Apology accepted." Lick smiles. "I simply hope you learned your lesson."

Listen to Three when he says not to go after someone. I sign. And definitely never let Brine create the distraction again. Lick laughs at the last part. He pours a bit more of the alcohol onto the cloth and presses it to my throat again. I grit my teeth.

"The sting is not that bad." He frowns, shaking his head. "Do not be a drama queen." I find myself laughing, even through the blood that comes up. He looks confused, holding the bucket up once I calm down. I spit out the blood. "What is so funny?"

Did you just call me a drama queen?! I demand. Is Brine rubbing off on you or something?! He seems to only then realize what he said.

"I suppose he is." He chuckles.

(Time skip)

Don't think I don't remember why Brine did this. Null signs.

"Ok, for the millionth time, I didn't know he would almost kill himself!" I exclaim. "It's been a month, are you ever gonna stop bothering me about this?!"

"Null, it's fine." Brine says.

Brine was unconcious for about a week. When he woke up, Null wouldn't let him leave. Still won't. Brineary's almost recovered, but Null refuses to risk that he does something stupid like that again until he's fully recovered.

It's not fine! Null signs angrily. You could have died! Brine is about to say something, but Null interrupts. Demon blood only helps so much! Brine frowns.

"I know my limits, dude." Brine sighs. "I knew I'd survive. I'm no idiot." Null shakes his head, facepalming.

If you ever pull something like this again, I'll- Null begins.

"What, kill me?" Brine chuckles. "That would be counter-productive." Null's hands clench into fists, then he storms out.

"Brine, really?" I sigh.

"What?!" he demands. "I did nothing wrong!"

"Just... be more respectful to your friends, would you?" I ask. "He's just worried." He crosses his arms, but nods.

"Sorry." He mumbles.

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Null." I chuckle. "Go on, he's not going far. He'll be too worried about you doing something stupid."

"Lucky you that you got Lick." He grumbles. "Null will probably never let me out on my own again." He goes after Null. I chuckle, that's probably true. I sure wouldn't.

"Hey!" I hear Brine's startled voice exclaim from just outside. I head out to see what's going on. I find Null hugging Brine, Brine seems a bit shocked. After a second, Brine hugs back.

"Why don't you two just kiss already?" I joke. They both jump a bit, stepping away from each other. Brine's face becomes a darker gray than it normally is, which means he's blushing, he glares. Null crosses his arms, the only sign I can get that means Null's annoyed or angry.

"Not funny, Hero!" Brine snaps.

Not at all. Null agrees. I just chuckle, shrugging.

(A/n: I had this pre-typed on google docs for you guys, since google docs works offline, that's why I got this out so fast. Hey, I kept my promise. XD

I know that someone (DarkSpector) ships Brinell, so I just figured I put this in here as a way to make her happy. (Wonder if she'll fangirl. XD) Hope you enjoyed!)

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