Chapter 36: Busted

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Herobrine's POV

"Ok, give her back." I order, taking Daedra from Three's arms.

"Already decided no boys, huh dad?" Three jokes. I playfully hit him.

"She's fine around uncle 303." I chuckle. He smiles widely.

"Uncle, huh?" He asks.

"I think you've earned your place in the family." I answer. "About a hundred times over." His smile widens, the gold covering practically half of his face. I chuckle as an idea pops into my head. Oh, he's about to hate me.

"Budder teeth." I chuckle. He summons a sword.

"Brian, I swear to Notch-" Three begins.

"You wouldn't attack me while I'm holding Daedra, would you?" I ask. He glances from me to Daedra, then back up at me.

"You smart little-" He begins again.

"There's a baby here." I remind him. He goes silent, giving me a death glare. I laugh.

"Sorry, Three." I apologize. "I had to." He continues to glare for a minute, then shrugs and laughs.

"I'd do the exact same thing, to be honest." He chuckles. I smile.

(Time skip)

"Hey, Daedra, I'm gonna go fishing." I say. "You be a good girl and stay in your room, alright?" I turn to leave, but Daedra catches my pants leg in her mouth. I sigh and look down at her. She's looking up at me with large, sad, adorable eyes.

"You wanna come with, don't you?" I ask. She jumps around excitedly. That's a yes. I sigh and give her a quick pat on the head. I hold out my arm.

"Ok, come on, girl." I chuckle. She purrs, then climbs up my arm and rests on my shoulder. She curls into a little ball and looking at me patiently. I can't help but smile. She's so adorable.

I head outside, careful not to let Daedra fall, not that I really need to worry. She's a natural when it comes to balance and agility. It's really impressive.

I summon a fishing rod, heading to the lake near my home. I cast my line, sitting down. Daedra jumps off my shoulder and stares at the water curiously. This is her first time seeing water up close, so I'm not surprised.

She swipes at the water, splashing it around a bit. The splash startles her and she runs back to me. I chuckle, stroking her soothingly.

"It's ok." I assure her. "It won't hurt you. It's just water, watch!" I place my hand in the water. She stares with interest, then jumps into the water. It's just deep enough to reach her neck, but her head stays above, so I don't mind her being in the water. I'm watching carefully, however, just to be sure.

She looks through the water, then suddenly dives in. I'm about to jump in after her when she emerges with a fish in her mouth. She comes back to shore, then begins to eat the fish. I chuckle.

"Good job, sweetheart." I congratulate. She purrs. When she finishes eating, she curls up in my lap. I sigh, putting away my fishing rod and petting her. As I pet her I hear a startled gasp to my left. Daedra hears this and jumps from my lap. I look to see Steve and Alex. Steve looks shocked, meanwhile Alex looks amazed.

Alex comes up to me, smiling.

"I didn’t know you had a dragon!" She exclaims. "Can I pet her?!" I smile and nod. Alex gets on her knees in front to Daedra and extends her hand, letting Daedra sniff it. Daedra purrs and licks her hand. Alex giggles and begins petting her.

"She's just a baby." Alex notes. "What about her mom?" I glare at Steve, who looks nervous. Should I tell her and make Alex hate him? ... no. She'd probably be torn up about knowing her friend would do such a thing.

"There was an... accident." I lie.

"That's awful!" Alex exclaims. "Poor thing..."

"She wasn't hatched yet." I explain. "I took her home and protected her until she hatched. Now I'm raising her."

"Well she's very lucky you found her." Alex giggles. "Now she has a parent."

"Yeah, what kind of monster kills the mother of an unborn child?" I ask, glaring daggers at Steve. "Or leaves a child to fend for themself?" Steve looks pale, and guilt is written all over him.

"Exactly." Alex agrees. "I just hope whoever killed her mother didn't do it without reason."

"I don't think any reason is a good reason." I sigh, and Steve grows even paler.

"I guess not." She sighs. "Still, it's better to have a bad reason than to just savagely kill the mother for the fun of it." Steve sighs.

"I guess." I shrug.

"Steve, come pet her." Alex encourages for Steve. Steve hesitates, but Alex is persistent and in the end, Steve extends his hand for Daedra. Daedra sniffs his hand, then hisses and coughs up dragon's breath on him. He yelps and backs away.

"What was that for?" Alex asks. There’s silence, and then she goes pale.

"Oh no..." Steve mumbles.

"What?" I ask. He glances at me.

"Her talent is to talk to animals..." He answers. "And if I'm right, Daedra just told her-"

"So... Daedra caught an interesting scent on your hand." Alex says sternly, getting up. For the first time I've seen, there’s no joy on her face. "Apparently it smells just like her own blood, yet she's never seen you before..."

"Alex..." Steve begins.

"The only other creature that has that blood type was her mother." Alex continues, her voice changing to a growl. "So... Steve... how did that get there?"

"Alex, I can explain!" Steve exclaims. Alex grabs his wrist.

"You better." She growls, flames in her eyes. "Let’s go." She glances at me and smiles, the fury gone instantly. "See you later, Hero! Thanks for taking care of Daedra!" With that, she drags Steve away. Steve has a look that just screams "have mercy on my soul!" I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually feel bad for the guy.

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