Chapter 42: The aftermath

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Herobrine's POV

When I bring down my sword, Abraxas flinches. However, his eyes go wide when the blade sinks into the ground next to him. I offer him a hand up. He hesitates, but accepts it. I pull him to his feet.

"Just know, I'm trusting you to not kill me in my sleep tonight." I chuckle. He smiles.

"Thank you." He sighs. Suddenly, the crowd goes crazy, cheering and full of joy.

"Huh." I chuckle. "I guess they like you."

"And now they like you, too." He laughs. "Which is a good thing."

"Yeah? Why's that?" I ask.

"If you defeat the ruler of hostile mobs, you become the ruler of hostile mobs." He explains, then bows. "My lord."

(Time skip)

"So, you said you had my friend taken care of." I remind him. "What did you do?"

"Locked him in a cage." Abraxas answers. "I can take you to him now, if you want."

"That would be great." I respond. He motions for me to follow him, then heads down the hallway. He leads me into the room I woke up in after Dylan kicked my lights out. Inside is Lick, who's locked in the cage.

"Herobrine!" He exclaims, running up to the bars. "I was informed you would be murdered!"

"That was the original plan." I chuckle. I turn my attention to Abraxas. "Let him out." Abraxas nods, phasing through the bars, grabbing Lick, then phasing back. Lick looks stunned.

"Abraxas is the ruler of hostile creatures..." He says in awe. "And yet he obeys you?"

"I beat him." I explain, smiling. "Now Abraxas is my general, second-in-command." Lick is silent, then glances from me to Abraxas and back.

"Don't act so shocked." Abraxas laughs. "I was bound to lose eventually." Lick chuckles.

"I suppose that makes you Lord Herobrine." Lick chuckles, bowing.

"Don't do that." I sigh. "I'm still me, there's no need to bow."

"Very well." He shrugs. "Surely the others will wish to hear of this!" I nod.

"Abraxas, I'm putting you in charge while I'm gone." I say. "See you."

"Bye." He responds, waving before I disappear with Lick.

Abraxas's POV

I fully expected to die in that arena, but Herobrine spared me. Not only that, but he made me his second-in-command. He could have killed me, or kept me alive long enough to humiliate me.

I'll forever be grateful for what he did. Had anyone else beaten me, I know for a fact they would have killed me. Notch was right to pick the name he did. Brian, the hero. Hero to glitches and hostile mobs alike.

Herobrine's POV

"You beat Abraxas?!" Three exclaims.

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