Chapter 29: The battle

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Notch's POV

"Brian...?" I ask in disbelief. "I-I thought-"

"You removed me?" He interrupts. "That I was gone for good? Unfortunately for you, I found my way out."

Part of me is relieved that he got out, but the other part of me is scared that I may have to hurt my little brother again.

Herobrine's POV

Notch looks worried, as he should be. He should be terrified, actually. It's about time I made him pay for what he did.

I run at him, slicing my sword. He raises his own sword, blocking it. I swing a couple more times, him blocking, then I swing a punch and hit him square in the face. He stumbles back a bit, I take the chance to slice downward. He raises his sword and blocks it quickly, then pushes me back.

He backs up to the wall, and I throw a fireball at him. He jumps out of the way, and the fireball breaks the wall where he had been. He jumps to his feet, glancing at me then at the hole in the wall. Before I even realize what he's doing, he jumps out. I run to the edge, seeing him land in water below. I growl.

"You're not getting away from me this time, Notch!" I snap, jumping down after him. I land in the water as well, and he starts backing away, not taking his eyes off me.

"Brian, please..." Notch pleads. I laugh, shaking my head.

"What happened to my big, tough brother, huh?" I mock. "Where's the guy who wasn't scared of anything?"

"I never wanted to hurt you." He protests.

"Oh, really?" I demand. "Coming from the guy who banished his family to the Nether?! Who never tried to get us back once?! Who killed me when I did nothing wrong?!" My voice continues to raise as I speak. "Who forced Sam to watch me die?! Then as if that weren't bad enough, you killed her! What was your goal if not to hurt us?!" As I shout the last line, I light the blade of my sword on fire and throw it at him.

He disappears, so I look around. I look behind me just in time to see him there. He swings his sword, and I duck it. I try to kick his feet from below him, but he jumps. As I'm about to attack him again, he grabs me by the shirt. What happens next is the weirdest attack I ever saw, but definitely a powerful one.

He pushes his hand to my chest, turning his wrist. The air itself around me seems to vibrate, and before I can react, I'm sent flying back. In the process, my sword is knocked from my hand. I groan in pain as I slam into the wall of Mojang HQ. I glare up at him, baring my teeth in a snarl.

Notch’s POV

When Brian shouted at me just before setting his sword ablaze, I knew there was no way he would listen. He left me no choice, I had to fight back. If I can beat him, make him listen, then I can finally put an end to all of this.


Herobrine's POV

Before Notch has a chance to attack again, I summon a piece of TNT. I light it, throwing it at him. His eyes widen and he teleports out of the way. I take the chance so I no longer have my back to the wall, allowing me more mobility.

I summon some flame to my hands, white-hot flame that could probably burn through a fire-resistance potion. I send it at Notch, he doesn't have time to react, the flame hits him in the chest. Upon contact, his chestplate breaks. I grin, noting that I just created an opening for myself. Straight to Notch's heart. He's about to raise his sword, but I kick him to the ground, sending his blade flying from his grip. I make my sword levitate to me. The second it's back in my hand, I stab at Notch, too fast for him to dodge.

Unfortunately, he's always been smart and quick-thinking. My sword strikes, but not him. No, of course he had to be clever, taking off his helmet and using it like a shield. I should have known, my brother was always clever and creative like that. The helmet is broken now, but it just managed to keep my sword from piercing him.

He jumps back to his feet, then hits me upside the head with his helmet, stunning me. It takes me a second to recover, but it's a second too long. As I regain my bearings, I notice Notch running for his sword. I run after him, but by the time I reach him, he has his sword back in his hand. He pins me to the ground, sword at my throat.

"Brian, you've improved a lot, I have to say." He chuckles. "But you're still my little brother. You've never been able to beat me."

"Well this time's different." I growl, teleporting behind him and kicking him in the back of the head. "And by the way, my name is Herobrine." I smile as I back up from Notch, storm clouds forming above us. Notch realizes what's going on and his eyes widen.

Lighting strikes, again and again. I lose track of how many times I strike him with the bolts of electricity. However, he somehow survives. Bloody, burned, and no doubt close to death, he forces himself back on his feet.

"You're determined, I'll give you that." I laugh. "So what? You have a healing potion on you? Gonna continue the fight?" However, what he does next surprises me.

His sword drops to the ground, and he falls to his knees. He looks up at me, tears in his eyes.

"I'm tired, Brian." He mumbles, then seems to catch himself. "Herobrine, I mean." Confused yet intrigued, I stay where I am. Not moving to attack, not getting any closer, yet not backing away.

"Tired?" I ask.

"Of hurting people." He answers. "Of hurting you. Of seeing my family die. If you're gonna kill me, just do it. I deserve it, so get it over with. Just please, please leave everyone else alone. They did nothing wrong."

I raise my sword, prepared to finish him off once and for all. However, before I can do so, I freeze. What am I doing? He's my brother, family should never hurt family. Never. And he's not just my family...

Steve sucks, I hate him with a fiery passion. However, I'm not a monster. Not like how everyone must think I am. I won't be the one to take Notch away from him. I won't be that person who murders his own family. I'm not like that... I'm not Notch.

I throw a healing potion at Notch, who stares up at me with wide eyes. I offer him a hand up, and he hesitantly takes it. I pull him up, supporting him so he can walk.

"Come on." I sigh. "You have a son to get back to. Let’s go." He nods.

"T-thank you, Brian." He whispers.

"Herobrine." I correct with a slight growl. He nods quickly.

"Herobrine." He repeats. Then I hear him chuckle something quietly, something that sounds like: "Brian, the hero."

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