Chapter 61: Trust

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Herobrine's POV

I grumble to myself in annoyance as I cast out my line once again. Daedra looks up at me with confused eyes as I do, and I smile at her.

"Don't worry, girl." I assure her, petting her on the back of her neck- her favorite spot. She purrs, leaning into my hand. "Daddy's just annoyed with someone." She sniffs my hand, then she seems startled as she continues to sniff it.

Did the demon blood change my scent? Is that possible?

"My friend tricked me into drinking demon blood." I sigh. She gazes up at me, her bright purple eyes shining with curiosity. I chuckle. I left her continue to sniff my hand, then she nuzzles it. I pet her once again as she lays down by my side.

"What do you say to some exploring tonight?" I ask. "I know of a desert temple nearby." She's back on her feet in seconds, jumping around eagerly as she lets out a small yip- like a puppy would.

"Ok, we'll go tonight." I chuckle. I reel in a fish, then toss it to her. She catches it, eagerly tearing into the gray scales. I grin.

I'm always going to love that dragon.

I glance down at my reflection in the water. I feel off, now that I have demon blood in me. I can't believe Null, Lick, and Brine would do that... ok, maybe I can believe Brine did it. Still, Null is normally so kind, and Lick so honest. I understand they had good intentions, but...

I'm startled to see my eyes are glowing.

I shake my head, rubbing my eyes. I glance again, but the glow is still there. I stare at my reflection, finding myself wishing for the glow to go away. To my amazement, it does.

I experiment a bit, finding the glow is optional. Well... thank goodness. How would I explain glowing eyes to (M/n)?

(Time skip)

"Don't think I'm happy about that trick you pulled." I grumble, crossing my arms.

At least you're hard to hurt now. Null signs. Now if Green Steve attacks you-

"Don't." I growl. "I won the last fight with Green Steve! Even despite being stabbed!"

"He struck you in the throat." Lick reminds me.

"The point still stands! In a full-on fight, Green Steve won't win!" I snap. Null shrugs.

Well if you think Sam would rather- He never gets to finish, because I grab him by the throat, pinning him to the wall.

"Herobrine!" Lick exclaims, but I summon a wall of flame, blocking him from reaching me.

"You didn't know her!" I snap. "Don't even try to use her! You know nothing about her!" He puts his hands up in surrender. I blink in surprise as I realize what I just did, releasing him. I let the flames die out, Lick immediately talking the chance to check on Null. "S-sorry..."

For what? Null asks. You're right. I shouldn't talk about someone I don't know like that. Then again, if you'd talk about her, I might know her better.

I sigh, scratching the back of my neck. "I don't want to talk about it. Not yet, at least."

"You still need time so you may heal." Lick notes.

I understand. He shrugs.  Maybe eventually.

"It might be a long time before I'm willing to talk about her again." I sigh. They both nod.

(Time skip)

"Heard you attacked Null today." Three says. "Why?"

"Well, would you want me talking about Nicole like I knew her?" I ask. He tenses, and I chuckle. "Point made."

"Yeah." He sighs. "None of us talk about the people we lost very often, it's a bit of a problem."

"Brine seems fine talking about Rogziel." I point out. He chuckles.

"Yeah, he's most open." He admits. "Still, you can only get so much information from him."

"Still, give him credit." I chuckle. "He's actually better than the rest of us at something." He grins.

"Maybe you should congratulate him on that." He suggests.

"If I weren't still mad at him, that might be a good idea!" I laugh. He gives me a questioning look.

"Why are you mad?" He asks.

"You don't know about the demon blood?" I ask. He shakes his head. I sigh, turning on the glow for my eyes. He jumps a bit.

"What the Nether-" He begins.

"Remember when you took me and Brine to try cheeseburgers?" I explain, getting a nod from him. "He injected Null's blood into my food." He gags, his hand flying to his throat.

"Disgusting." He growls. I nod.

"Lick helped." I add. He shakes his head in disbelief.

"That's a pretty nasty trick." He says. "Especially for something Lick helped with."

"Just glad you weren't in on it." I chuckle.

"I wouldn't have let them!" He exclaims.

"Good, at least I can trust someone here." I chuckle.

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