Chapter 7: misunderstanding

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Brian's POV

I sprint through the woods. Wind in my face, soft grass beneath my feet, clean air, and a blue sky. These are things I haven't been able to enjoy for a long time. I feel joy well up in my chest, a burst of laughter forcing its way past my lips.

I hear Sam laugh behind me, and I realize how close she is. She's faster than I remember! I pick up speed, going as fast as I possibly can. I warned her she'd lose, I wasn't kidding.

I reach the cave, stopping and catching my breath. As Sam reaches the cave, she stops to catch her breath as well. I missed this. Seeing Sam smile, competing against her, all of it.

"How do you run so fast?!" Sam demands once she catches her breath. "I can never beat you!"

"Good." I laugh. "You're better than me at too many things. It's only fair I'm faster." She playfully hits me.

"Ow! Sam!" I shout. "Did you have to hit so hard?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She exclaims. "Are you-"

"Gotcha!" I laugh. "Come on, let's see if we can reach the village before nightfall." She nods, smiling.

(Time skip)

When we reach the village, the sun is beginning to set. The villagers know us, so they welcome us openly. We used to come all the time and help defend the village from monsters. Actually, we even built an iron golem here. One of the villagers named him "Ironmouth."

Villagers aren't exactly known for giving original names.

An old villager friend of ours, Tom, is quick to greet us. He's a blacksmith, we used to bring him materials from our mining trip all the time.

"Good to see you!" He says when he sees us. "When we saw Sam this morning, it was a pleasant surprise to the village! She told me what happened!"

"You're not gonna tell Notch we're back, are you?!" I exclaim.

"No, of course not!" He laughs, patting my shoulder. "I won't sell out my friends like that!" I sigh in relief.

"Thanks." I mumble. He nods.

"Hey Tom?" Sam asks. "Can we ask for a favor?"

"Of course!" Tom exclaims. "Anything!"

"It's getting to be night, can we stay with you until morning?" She asks. Tom's smile goes from 'I'm happy to see you' to 'this is awkward' in an instant.

"I wish I could help." He laughs nervously. "Not even I can get in."

"Why not?" I ask.

"Ever since Notch started letting 'players' into this world, life's been difficult." Tom explains. "They steal our items, burn down our houses, even kill some of us."

"Player?" Sam asks. "Is that a new mob?"

"No." He says. "They're like Notch, except they can't travel between their world and Minecraft."

Notch talked about his world a lot. It sounds so strange... you have things called "circles," and "Lions." I've asked if I could see it, but he wouldn't let me. Told me that it's not safe.

"Did one burn down your house?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Thankfully, no." He answers. "But they stole my pickaxe and blocked it off with stone." Unlike me and Sam, villagers can't break blocks without the proper tool.

If any players ever read this, remember that. Your actions actually affect these poor guys.

"We'll cut you a new entrance!" I suggest. He nods, smiling.

Herobrine: the untold story (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora