Chapter 8: Guess who's back?

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Brian's POV

Sam and I reach a cave not far from the village and go in, taking some time to catch our breath.

"You think the villagers will be ok?" Sam asks.

"They may be a bunch of pushovers sometimes, but they're pretty good at surviving." I answer. "Besides, it's not the first time Tom had to deal with fire or lava. I'm sure they'll be fine." Sam nods.

"I hope you're right." She responds. I chuckle, sighing.

"That was pretty nice of you, giving your pickaxe to that villager." A voice says at the front of the cave. I jump to my feet, drawing my diamond sword. When I see who it is, however, I calm down.

White pants with a white cloak and black shoes. His skin is tan and his eyes are stormy gray. His hair is black. He chuckles, lowering his hood.

"Hi, James right?" I ask. James nods, chuckling.

"Spot on." He answers. "Looks like trouble tends to follow you guys. Back in the overworld for two days and you've already got Notch’s attention."

"It was an accident." I mumble.

"I know." He laughs. "Anyway, I wanted to warn you, Notch plans to kill you."

"What?!" Sam exclaims. "Banish us back to the Nether, I would've expected that. But to kill his own family?!"

"Trust me, he and Jeb have done some pretty bad stuff while you were in the Nether." He responds. "Don't be surprised."

"Jeb?" Sam mumbles. "Who's that?"

"Notch's best friend." He sighs. "Always looking out for him. Done some pretty messed up stuff to keep him safe."

"What should we do?" I ask.

"Avoid Notch." He answers. "Make it hard for him to find you."

"He can just teleport to us." Sam points out.

"I'm taking care of that." James shrugs. "I'm doing what I can, you just need to avoid running into him. All right?" Sam and I both nod.

"Thanks, James." I say.

"No problem." He replies. "So you're staying in this cave tonight?"

"We're leaving first thing in the morning." I answer.

"Yeah, we don’t want Notch to find us." Sam agrees.

"Good idea." James agrees. "But for tonight, I can cloak the cave. Make it seem like it's not here to Notch."

"How can you do all these things?" Sam asks. "This seems like some pretty Notch-level stuff."

"I'm what you'd call a 'hacker.'" He explains. "I change the code against Notch’s will. A lot of people hate hackers, but it's pretty helpful to know."

"Do you think you could teach us to hack?" Sam asks.

"Probably not." James answers. "I'm from Notch’s world, so it's easy for me. I'm not sure if you could even open the code." Sam frowns.

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