Chapter 6: happy again.

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Brian's POV

"I think we should go." I mumble at about noon. "I miss the place, and I want to stay, but..."

"But Notch might show up." Sam finishes. "Alright, but can we at least grab some things before we go?" I nod in agreement.

"Sure." I agree. "Go ahead. I'm gonna get some things, too. But I want to be gone in a few minutes. Alright?"

"That's fine!" She giggles, hugging me. She runs to her room at top speed. I smile to myself, watching her as she runs. You almost can't tell we've been trapped in the Nether. I chuckle a bit, heading to my room. I don't grab much. Diamond pickaxe and diamond sword. I never got any armor, and I never had a chance to make an enchanting table.

I put them in my inventory, grabbing some food as well. I'm about to leave everything else when I see a certain painting on the wall. I shake my head, shutting the door to my bedroom and taking the painting off the wall and sitting on my bed.

I always loved painting. I got so good, Notch added some as actual parts of the game. I remember drawing one with a couple people fighting, Notch has one inside his house. Well, he did, I'm not so sure anymore. This painting in my hands is my favorite.

It's Notch and Sam in a plains field. I'm not in it, since I can't paint myself in there, but it's good enough. It's one of my favorite memories. Notch had just added fishing, and he was taking us to teach us how. I remember, Sam threw every fish back into the lake and it would swim away.

As for me, I took a while to learn. I remember when I was about to cast out my line. You know how you have the hook behind you before you cast it out? That way it can go farther into the water? My hook got caught on the back of my jeans.

I chuckle a bit at the memory, tears filling my vision. That stupid glitch! Why did it have to kill Sam in the first place, huh?! If not for that stupid piece of corrupt code, none of this would have happened!

"Brian?" Sam calls from outside my door. "You ok in there?"

"I'm fine." I call back. "Just give me a second." I wipe my tears quickly, storing the painting in my inventory. I stand up, leaving the bedroom. When I don't see Sam, I check outside. Nothing. Nowhere to be found. I step back inside.

"Boo!" Sam exclaims, jumping out at me with a pumpkin on her head. I yelp, jumping backwards. I playfully hit her, laughing.

"Ok, you got me." I admit. "You ready to go?"

"Yep!" She laughs, putting the pumpkin in her inventory. "Come on!"

Notch’s POV


t takes me until about noon, but I decide to go check. I decide to start with the house.

I haven't gone into that house once since I banished them. I just couldn't... I couldn't make myself. After all, that was my brother and sister's home.

I teleport out front, just in time. I hear some shouting inside.

"Boo!" It's Sam’s voice. Then a yelp.

"Ok, you got me." It's Brian. "You ready to go?"

"Yep!" Sam laughs. "Come on!" I put in a command to turn myself invisible as the doors to the house open. Brian walks out, smiling. Sam's only seconds behind.

"I'll race you to the cave we used to mine in." Sam challenges.

"You could never beat me!" Brian laughs. "But hey, you wanna lose? I won't stop you." He sprints off, Sam running after him. I smile a bit at the sight.

Sam and Brian are back, and they seem happy. I smile when I see that. I want to tell them sorry, but why bring up painful memories. I mean... I betrayed their trust and banished them to the Nether! Maybe I should stay out of it.

Well, it's better than losing my brother and sister to the monsters in the Nether. This way I know they're happy.

I teleport home. I hate to not see them, but I'll live knowing that they're happy and alive. It's more than I ever expected.

I open up their codes, seeing their thoughts.

Brian: I missed this.

Sam: I can't believe Brian won the race again!

I laugh when I read that. These two goofballs they never change. Let’s hope it stays that way, because I love them how they are. Maybe they can live normal lives if I leave them alone.

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