Chapter 9: Uh oh.

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Brian's POV

When I wake up, I'm actually disappointed. I mean, for a minute, I almost forgot about the Nether. Back to when Notch was adding new features and teaching us as he went. I miss when he did that.

Notch wants you dead. I mentally scold myself. He's not gonna teach you anything anymore.

"James, if we run into Notch, we're as good as dead." I mumble. "Aren't we?"

"Not necessarily." He answers. "I could teach you to defend yourselves."

"We can fight just fine." Sam protests. She apparently woke up quite a while ago.

"Against monsters, maybe." James agrees. "Not so much the creator if Minecraft." Sam and I exchange a glance, then shrug.

"Sure, if you don't mind." I decide. He smiles.

"Good choice." He chuckles. "Come on, we can start right now. You both have swords, right?"

"Diamond swords." Sam agrees. "I don't use mine often, so it's probably got better durability than Brian’s." James shrugs.

"Sam already ate, so I'll take her first." He says. "Meanwhile, you need to eat as well."

"His favorite food is Steak." Sam says.

"Oh, I'm fine!" I lie quickly. "It's no big-"

"Sam already tried that on me." He chuckles, summoning a stack of it. "Nice try, though." He hands it to me.

"Thanks." I say hesitantly. He nods.

"We'll be back soon." He says. "I'm just gonna test how long she would last before training." I nod. He summons a diamond sword, leaving with Sam.

Sam’s POV

James leads me to a small clearing in the woods. He summons a diamond sword, cracks his neck, then tells me to let him know when I'm ready. I take a second to relax my joints, then ready my sword.

"Ok." I mumble. "Come at me." He smiles. He disappears and I look around quickly. He'll probably attack from behind if given the chance. I back up, putting my back to a tree. I know better than that, I've fought endermen before. I scan for any sign of where he teleported to.

An arrow pierces my right arm. I growl to myself and throw my sword in the direction the arrow came from. I see a glimpse of James before he disappears again. It's then that I realize how stupid it was to throw my weapon. Now I have nothing to defend myself. James appears right in front of me, grabbing me by the shirt and throwing me down. He holds his sword to his throat, then shakes his head.

"Never let yourself be weaponless." He says, putting the sword away and helping me up. "Unlike you, Notch can summon weapons at any time." I nod.

"Yeah, that was stupid." I admit. "But I lasted longer than I expected to." James summons a potion, bright red, which means healing. He hands it to me. I pull the arrow out of my arm and drink it. My arm is healed instantly. I go to where I threw my sword and pick it up.

"You did pretty good for a first try." He agrees. "Anyway, Brian’s turn. Let’s go back." I nod and he leads me back toward the cave.

Brian's POV

When I hear footsteps approaching the cave, I quickly store the painting of Sam and Notch in my inventory. James and Sam walk in, smiling.

"She did surprisingly well." James chuckles. "Most people last about five seconds." I chuckle.

"Aww!" I laugh. "My little sis is growing up!" She playfully hits me.

"Shut up!" She giggles. "Go fight him, doofus!" She pushes me out of the cave.

"Ok, I'm going!" I exclaim. "Stop pushing!"

James leads me to a small clearing in the woods. There’s some blood on a tree lining the clearing, so my guess is that this is where he fought Sam.

"Whenever you're ready." He says, pulling out a diamond sword. I nod, readying my own sword. I take a look around the clearing, trying to think of a strategy.

Seems like the only advantage I can use on him is to surprise him. That's not gonna be easy, but I have an idea. I wait until he's looking away, then run at him. He notices at the last second and throws me to the ground, putting a sword at my throat.

"Nice try, but no." He chuckles. "I'm actually disappointed. I expected better." I trip him, getting on my feet. Before I can do anything else, he disappears. I look around, waiting for any sign of him.

He appears behind me and pins me to a tree, I feel him press his sword to my back. I elbow him in the stomach and stomp on his foot. He jumps back in shock and I whirl around and punch him in the nose. Blood starts streaming down his face and he smiles.

He disappears again, teleporting behind me and grabbing my sword from my hand before I can blink. He holds both swords to my throat.

"I'm impressed." He chuckles. "Caught me off guard a couple times there." I'm about to respond when he yelps. He drops both swords and I look to see what's wrong. I'm greeted with the sight of an arrow lodged in his shoulder.

"What’s this we have here?" A voice chuckles. "Looks like I've found the hacker and the mistake."

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