Chapter 18: The village

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Steve's POV

After Herobrine gets away, I was so mad. Apparently I scared Alex when I got home. She's staying with me while she upgrades her own house.

She'd messaged dad and Jeb, telling them she was worried about me. I'm not mad at all at her, but I'm annoyed. At myself, more than anything. I never meant to scare her.

Dad and Jeb showed up to see what was wrong. They distracted Alex by asking her to make a cake. She's out collecting sugarcane right now.

"So, what scared Alex into having to message us?" Jeb asks.

"I... ran into Herobrine in the mines." I answer hesitantly. "And he got away."

"You chased him?" Dad asks. I don't answer. I know they just wanted me to report him, not attack him.

"Steve, did you use the charged block I gave you?!" Jeb demands. I feel my face heat up a bit as I nod.

"Yeah." I admit.

Jeb's talent is a very powerful one. He can cancel out someone else's abilities. Whether it's the person's simple abilities like teleporting, or the person's talent like my super speed.

He can charge a block with his talent, which allowed me to cancel Herobrine's abilities. It doesn't work as well as him doing it directly, and it only can be used once before he needs to charge it again.

"Steven!" Dad protests.

"I told you to only use it for defense!" Jeb reminds me. "If they don't want to fight, don't chase them!"

"It's just..." I mumble. "After what I learned about him and dad-"

"Don't act out of anger over me." Dad says. "What he's doing isn't for nothing. Remember that."

"That doesn't mean-" I begin, raising my voice.

"Steve, please calm down." Jeb interrupts. "The point is, you shouldn't lose control. Besides, you could have been hurt." I nod.

"Ok." I mumble.

"Now give me that block of stone so I can charge it again." Jeb orders. "And this time, save it for an emergency." I nod as I hand him the block. It begins to glow with a red aura.

Herobrine's POV

After my powers started returning, I couldn't stop thinking about how Steve must have cancelled my abilities. How did he do that?

I sigh, deciding I'll ask Three later. Maybe he'll know. For now, Brine is probably worried. He can be an idiot, or reckless sometimes, but he's loyal and caring.

Herobrine: ?enirB ,ko uoY

Brineary whispers to you: Oh, man! Where are you?! I was worried Notch found ya!

Three still hasn't taught me how to privately message someone, but I'm fine with typing backwards.

Herobrine: .won enif m'I .evetS htiw ni-nur a daH

Brineary whispers to you: You ran from Steve?! Steve of all people?!

Herobrine: .elpmet tresed eht ta em teeM .uoy ees I nehw nialpxe ll'I

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