Chapter 20: goodnight

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Herobrine's POV

I've been doing good, according to three. He says I learn quickly with magic. I'm learning to turn invisible, and so far I've managed to make myself transparent, not yet invisible.

"You're doing great." He encourages. "You're halfway there!"

"I'm getting a headache." I mumble. He sighs.

"Ok, stop." He says quickly. I do so and sigh.

"Why do I keep getting headaches?" I ask.

Every time I do something new, I start getting a headache, stomachache, or some other kind of pain. Every time it starts, three calls it a day and says we'll continue the next day.

"You're using new magic." He answers. "Your body isn't used to it. When you start hurting, it's because you need to stop so your body can adjust."

"How long will this take?!" I demand.

"At least a few years." He admits.

"Years?!" I exclaim. "While Notch is out there hurting people?! I'm not gonna wait that long!"

"Hey, calm down." He responds, crossing his arms. "I don't like it either. But-"

"There is no 'but'!" I interrupt. "Notch needs to be stopped, and he needs to be stopped now!" James sighs.

"I never expected you to want to attack Mojang." He chuckles a bit. "I thought you'd be hesitant, since Notch is your brother."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Confession time." He admits. "I've been hoping you would help us, maybe lead the attack on Mojang. You're Notch’s family, so he's most likely to hesitate with you."

"He already killed me." I remind him. "And Sam." He nods, sighing and unfolding his arms.

"I think he still cares about you." He responds. "You're his family, that builds a bond between people." I nod. Yeah, it does.

"I know all too well." I sigh. "But if he cared, he shouldn't have killed us."

"True." He agrees. "Still, would you lead the attack on Mojang?" I stare at him.

"You're a better leader than me." I say.

"Half of the people I try to protect from Mojang end up dead." He laughs. "I'm not that great. But I get the feeling you would be." I nod.

"Ok." I agree. "I'll do it."

"Good." He smiles. "Now, let's go to bed. I'll teach you some more tomorrow."

"I'm not going to wait." I grumble. "Why can't we attack now?"

"Just go get some sleep." Three says, ignoring the question. I sigh, deciding I should probably do so. Last time I ignored him and didn't sleep, I had a serious migrane the next day. I teleport back to my place, a small cave I settled into. I placed a bed, but it's hidden so no one will find it. Brine built a redstone door with a hidden button.

He's surprisingly good with the stuff, says he feels the need to know how to work with it.

I lay in bed, closing my eyes. Sleep comes slowly, but it gets here.

We go in, Sam is jumping from excitement. I smile when I see this. We go down the stairs and head down the hallway. Sam stops me just before I step on the trip wire, pointing out the dispenser. I smile awkwardly and step over it, then open the chest. Two diamonds, five iron, eight gold, then there's rotten flesh. I gag at the smell of the rotten flesh, flashbacks from the Nether hitting me like a punch in the gut. I slam the chest shut.

That stupid flesh! I snap mentally. I never want to taste the stuff again!

"You ok?" Sam asks. I nod, opening the chest again. This time, I cover my nose with my hand. I pull out the items and closing it quickly. I step over the tripwire again and we head back upstairs.

Just as we round the corner, I feel a pain in my chest and I find myself looking at Notch. I stumble back, coughing up blood, and Sam runs to my side.

"Brian?!" She exclaims. "Brian stay with me! Brian!" But begging me not to die isn't gonna do anything. I can tell, he barely missed my heart. I pull up chat, putting in a message.

Herobrine: .su dnouf hctoN

It's too late for me, don't even try to lie to me about that. But for Sam? She might have a chance. My vision goes black.

I sit up in bed, screaming. I sit there for a minute, gasping for air, clutching at my chest. I'm cold all over. I sigh, getting up and walking outside. I walk out to a plains biome, looking over the field. It looks peaceful here, calming. The way the moonlight reflects off the water from the nearby lakes, the way the stars light up the grass, it's good at calming me down. One of the reasons I chose here to place my bed.

Every night. Every night since Notch killed us, I've had these nightmares. Each time, I wake up, thinking maybe if I hurry, I can stop Notch from killing Sam. But I can't. She's already gone. And it's all. His. Fault.

Notch, I swear. You are going to pay for hurting me, and you're really going to pay for what you did to Sam. When I finish with you, you'll be the one having nightmares.

And yet at the same time, I hope you're not dying on the inside the same way I am.

Notch’s POV

I lay in bed, afraid to fall asleep. What will it be tonight? Banishing them? Killing them? The fun we had, only to wake up to reality and remember what I did?

Believe it or not, I didn't want to hurt them. It haunts me every second of every day, even if just in the back of my mind. That thought is always there. It's all your fault.

And I'm still waiting for Brian to show up, seeking revenge. I don't want to kill him again.I just want to have my sister back. I just want to have my brother back. But I killed them both, so I know it's impossible.

It's all your fault.

Jeb may be the one who told me they needed to die, but he was protecting me. He wanted me safe. Besides, he didn't know Brian and Sam like I did. I shouldn't have listened, but that's my fault not his.

It's all your fault.

I shoved that sword in Brian’s chest. I murdered him. Jeb may have been the one who stabbed Sam, but I was the one who agreed that they needed to die. I'm responsible for her death.

It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault.

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