Chapter 17: escaped

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Herobrine's POV

I run through the cave, breathing heavily. I can hear him from not far behind me. I glance over my shoulder, he has a death glare in his eyes. He must really be furious after last time when I said what I did about Notch. He runs after me for a good bit, and my lungs are burning as I try to outrun him. Wow, this guy is fit! I'm running back the way I came, hoping that I can lose him easier on the surface if he doesn't lose me on the way back.

I manage to shake him, but now I'm lost. I pull out my book, but it's too dark to read it. That's weird, I should be able to see in the dark. Ever since I respawned, I could hardly even tell the difference between day and night. I summon a flint and steel, which is a lot harder than it should be. I don't understand, what's going on with my abilities? I shudder, then light a fire with the flint and steel.

I cough a bit as the burning in my lungs is still bothering me, but getting better. Steve can really run! I listen for any sounds of him being nearby and jump a bit when I hear footsteps, followed by a dog growl. I sigh quietly, trying to think of how to get out. They shouldn't be blocking my way, but the only way to be sure is to know which way to actually go. I open my book, flipping to the last page I added. As I read through it, the fire goes out, causing me to gasp quietly. I quickly pull the flint and steel back out, lighting a fire again. I find my place again and continue to read.

I realize the light from the flames must have given me away because I hear Steve heading my way. I gasp and run, I just barely had time to find out which way to go. hear Steve coming up behind me, and glance over to see him gaining on me. I force myself to pick up speed.

I try to teleport out of there, but it won't work, so I keep running. Eventually, I find the way out, running out of the cave. I glance back and seem to have lost them, but my relief only lasts for a few seconds before I hear his dog bark loudly behind me. That thing must have my scent!

I manage to hide in the tall grass, but it won't last long with that thing sniffing me out. After a few long moments, Steve emerges from the cave. When he doesn't see me, he takes his iron helmet off and throws it against the stone wall in frustration. I can barely hear him from here, but he growls something to himself.

"Son of a creeper!" He growls. I smirk and shift quietly through the tall grass. Steve seems to be thinking, then drops his sword, causing a loud echo to go through the field. He smirks, then I hear him order something to his dog.

"Sniff him out, boy," He orders. The dog starts sniffing around, and I silently back up. I'm not paying attention to where I'm going, but I find myself falling into a river, causing a huge splash. But I don't complain as I swim away. After all, a dog can't track your scent in the water. I know because of an incident Sam and I had with a wolf pack.

I keep below the water to keep from being seen. I swim a good distance, then surface after a point. I shiver as the wind blows by, but I hardly notice. I'm listening to know if I was followed.

"You think you're clever, Herobrine?!" I hear Steve shout from a distance away. "Using the water?! Well, you're not! I'll hunt you down, and when I find you, you'll regret you ever even thought about hurting my dad!"

I sigh, getting up and walking away. As I do, I try to summon a block of Netherrack, and as I walk away, it's increasingly easier. On top of that, my night vision is returning. I don't understand, did Steve somehow cancel out my powers? But how?

(A/n: Ok, another short one, but if you can tell me what makes this chapter special, you get a shout out and you get to dare me to one thing. Now, if it's too drastic, I'll chicken out. If you want a hint, you can have ONE hint! And it will be the same hint for everyone! You have until 4:00 p.m. Nevada time tomorrow! Ok, byeeee! :3)

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