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We sit in creative writing, quieter than most days. Every since that kiss, Phiona has been somewhat distant towards me. I don't know why though. I really do like her, but seems as if she doesn't feel the same at all. I honestly appreciate everything she has done, but I just don't show it enough. I'd do anything to pay her back.

The bell rang and Phiona quickly stood up, running out of the classroom like she's been doing for the past few weeks. Today, I decided to follow after her. I didn't call after her or nothing, I just quietly followed. She ran into the bathroom. Since the hallways were clear, I followed her in there too. I know I seem like a creep, but I'm just... concerned.

I stood aside, and I heard a sound. Gagging. I heard small cries as well. I walked towards the large stall and it wasn't locked. I slowly pushed it open to see Phiona leaning over the toilet, throwing up. She held her stomach and suddenly fell down.

"Woah, Phiona are you okay?" I asked. I rushed in and held her in my arms.

"Go away, I'm fine." Phiona cried.

"You're not fine, why are you throwing up like this? Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Leave me alone Jay!" she yelled at me. Calling me by the name, that I now dread to be called.

"I'm j-just trying to help." I stuttered looking down at her.

"Want to know what's wrong? I haven't fucking ate in over two weeks." she said with gritted teeth.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Mama and the children need to eat more than I do, now just go." Phiona explained.

"I'm not going anywhere first of all, and why are you so upset? I did nothing wrong." I asked. She looked away, crossing her arms.

Tears streamed her face still, and she had an angry expression on her face.

"Phiona, look at me." I whispered and softly touched her face. She swatted my hand away. Which made me angry. "Phiona fucking look at me!" I said sternly.

She slowly turned her head and her eyes landed to my eyes. Her eyes filled with only, hurt. What the hell happened to the girl that once only wanted to be loved and happy?

"What happened?" I asked. She held her stomach again and gagged. She sat back down, and I pulled her close to me.

"I was walking home from work one day... a week or two ago and I s-saw Brice, like always..." she paused taking a deep breath, holding back some tears. "I tried rushing away, but he grabbed me. I thought he wanted to beat me up so I tried talking my way away from him, but it wasn't that. He only wanted one thing." Phiona stopped talking. Her tears began spreading all over her pretty face.

"Did he hurt you?" I asked. She nodded. "In what type of way?" I asked.

"H-he beat me first... and then he raped me." Phiona said and then began crying.

Anger grew within me. What kind of cold cruel person has Brice turned into? I took her in my arms, and let her cry into my chest. I guess this is why she has been avoiding me. She thinks I'm still friends with him. I dropped that dumbass long ago, the night Tré died.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you Phiona, but look I'm going to help you out. Have you told anyone else?" I asked.

"No.." she sighed.

"Mama Claudia should know, okay?" I asked.

"Okay.." she sighed.

I wiped the tears from her face and hugged her, she held on tight. I softly kissed her cheek, causing her to tense up a bit. We stood up and didn't finish out the rest of the day. I walked her home and got her something to eat as well. She looked so sick.

"I'll be with you throughout all of this, okay Phiona?" I asked her. She nodded and I kissed her cheek again.

She closed her eyes, and I watched as she fell asleep. Damn. Baby girl is so hurt, why did he do this to her? What the hell is wrong with him? She deserves none of this.

I care about her.



I laid in my bed for the rest of the evening. I told nobody until today. Now only Jacob knows. I was going to hide it the best I could, but someone had to know. I don't know why Brice has done this to me. I knew something was wrong with him from the start.

My thoughts were interrupted when Mama Claudia came into my room, Jacob followed behind. I only called him Jay earlier because I was angry. They both sat on my bed as I laid there. Mama took one of my hands and kissed it.

"Sweetie, I'm so sorry." she whispered, her voice cracked a bit. "Jacob told me what happened and I just wanna say, we will take care and help you all throughout this." Mama Claudia explained.

"Thanks Mama C... and thanks Jacob." I said. She patted my hand and nodded her head. She walked out of the room. Jacob steady sat there, he looked upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothin'.." he responded.

"Jacob-" he cut me off.

"Why'd you call me Jay?" he asked.

"I was only angry, I'm sorry." I said.

"Angry with me?" he asked.

"No, never." I responded.

"Just Brice?" he asked. I nodded my head and he scooted towards me. He hugged me. I always tended up because I didn't know how to react to caring like this. I just couldn't cope at the moment. He kissed my cheek... again. I sighed.

"Jacob could you not, please?" I asked.

"What?" he asked.

"Don't kiss me." I softly said.

"Oh." Jacob said. He sighed softly and let go of me. "Get some more sleep." he said standing up. I nodded my head.

"Good night." I said as he was about to make his way out of my bedroom door. He turned a bit, and looked at me.

"Sweet dreams princess." Jacob said. With that said he turned out the light, walked out and shut the door.


What's so different about him now? There could be various answers to that question, but there's one major right answer... he actually,



Sorry to keep you beauties waiting! But there was that chapter, tell me what you thought. What are y'all thinking about Brice now? What's Jacob gonna do? Give me your opinions and tell me how you're like this book. Thoughts please? :)
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I love you baby boos :* keep the peace.♣
(p.s. excuse any errors. sorry. and sorry if this was a short chapter. more to come soon.)

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