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::1 Month Later::


It was free time in creative writing today since everybody completed their homework. I sat there talking and messing with Jacob as always. We laughed and played around a lot, which I loved about him. He wasn't the bad boy I used to know. He's just a soul that needs some loving.

"So Phiona where do you want to go for your birthday?" Jacob asked.

"My birthday?" I asked.

"Yeah, October 12th is coming up quick." Jacob said.

"You remembered?" I smiled.

"Of course, why would I forget?" Jacob asked.

"Aww you're the best." I said kissing his cheek.

"I know." he smirked. I shook my head and laughed.

"How about we all go to the carnival that'll be here." I said.

"Me, you and your foster family?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, for you anything." Jacob said, causing me to blush. He was so sweet although his tough side is what got me going.

"We'll have to take Mama Claudia to the hospital soon too, she has an appointment." I explained.

"Aight, we'll get it settled." Jacob said.

"Have you gone back to that Ramon guy since we've been together?" I asked.

Jacob sighed. "Yeah." he responded.

"Jacob why?" I asked in a whine.

"Because I need to do something besides go to school, I'm making enough money." Jacob explained.

"But Jacob, it's not safe. Remember what happened last time?" I asked as quiet as possible.

"Yeah but bae, listen. It's all I have." Jacob said.

"You have me." I said, innocently poking out my bottom lip. He chuckled and kissed me.

"Yeah I got you too, but this is how I've been getting by for the past three years now, and now I don't have a reason to do it. I have two reasons." Jacob explained.

"Which are?" I asked.

"Help myself and you survive." Jacob said.

His words stuck in my head.

"Just be careful." I said running my fingers through his hair.

"I am." he said.

I laid my legs across his lap and laid my head against his shoulder. He held me there so that I wouldn't fall.

It has been like this for going on a month now with him and I. I highly enjoy it. Even though it hasn't been so long, I feel like it's been forever. Which is the best feeling in the world, especially for me.

Soon the bell rang and Jacob held my hand as we walked down the hallway. We got mostly dirty looks, but we didn't care because it was us who were happy. Some people didn't even look, and some smiled. I always wondered how I'd get treated now that I have my head up more.

I see now, just worse. At times, it gets hard. I swear all these girls do is try to make it a competition. With the hair, the weight, the clothes. It's pathetic. But it made me wonder, why did Jacob never look to them? And only considered me as the one he has fallen for? I guess the heart wants what the heart wants.

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