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I woke up feeling my left side ache. I clenched what felt like bed sheets, wincing in pain. I looked around, recognizing that I was in a hospital room. I had never been in a hospital before, really. I looked to see multiple people surrounding my bed. First person was Mama Claudia.

"Mama? What happened?" I asked. She took a hold of my hand, patting it before answering me.

"You got beat almost to death Phiona, then you were raped and lastly you got shot." Mama Claudia explained.

"Well.. I remember the first two parts. Wait. Am I still alive?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're breathing aren't you dear?" Mama Claudia asked.

"Yeah. Am I okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, your gunshot wound just has to heal and they already took a pregnancy test on you, you're not pregnant." Mama Claudia said.

"Thank the Lord." I said as a tear slipped my eye. I didn't want to be pregnant by that man. He was pure evil.

"I'll let the kids talk to you.. Jacob is waiting out in the hall, want me to send him in?" Mama Claudia asked.

"Sure." I responded. I was still stuck on the fact that Jacob didn't come to save me sooner. I had wondered what he had been doing. If he was selling or doing anything else while I was being hurt then I don't know what's going to happen next.

Last night was slowly becoming a blur but it was still stuck in my head, I just couldn't vividly recognize it. I knew how scared I was, I still had shivers from the brutal beating. His cold hands wandering me. I felt beyond dirty. I couldn't even think straight. I questioned myself the whole time asking why did this happen to me.

I started to wonder if I was going to have any hope for myself. I was lost and I only wanted to sleep. I don't know if I was going back to school after this or not. All I did was wonder until my thoughts finally drowned within me. The kids and Mama Claudia had went on back to the apartment as I stayed here. I guess I needed to be kept for a few nights.

As I examined my room, I caught my curtains starting to move. Being as shy as I am, I somewhat sunk down into my covers. The person walked in, dry blood on his hoodie. Jacob. I was mentally preparing myself for what he was going to say.

"Phiona?" Jacob asked walking towards my bed.

"Hey.." I said, now sitting up.

He came over and sat on the bed, giving me a hug. I somewhat hugged back. He kissed me softly, as I wasn't cooperating with him I had noticed he had grown sadder. I felt like I had no reason to return his affection, I was useless...only good enough to be tampered with. I frowned, laying back in my bed.

"I want to apologize for not being there.." Jacob said.

"What took you so long to realize I wasn't home  and I wasn't safe?" I asked.

"I had gotten caught up and once I made it back to the apartment it was really late and I noticed you were gone, so I began looking for you. I found the evidence and knew they took you." Jacob explained.

"Then what were you doing in the midst of looking for me? You came right at the ending..." I said.

"I was preparing." Jacob said.

"Preparing for what Jacob!? You know every time someone hurts me doesn't mean you have to kill them. Whatever happened, happened. You can't take that back!" I exclaimed.

"Phiona I'm sorry for wanting to keep them away from you by turning to violence but it's my only option." Jacob said.

"Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel like a man?" I questioned.

Changes {Jacob Latimore}Where stories live. Discover now