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"So why do you want to get back in the game?" Ramon asked me. Thoughts of her only came to my mind as I stood there. Back at square one.

"I have nothing." I responded.

"Well then Jay, you'll start tonight, eight o'clock sharp." Ramon said. I nodded my head and walked into the warehouse.

I looked around and cautiously sat against the wall, but soon got back up. I started wandering the streets again. I'm not sure what I was going to do about school or anything. Drop out possibly, I'm not learning shit anyways. I don't have any 'friends' at all...none.

Sometimes I wonder why I had to be given this hard ass life. Why do I have to suffer, and why did she have to now be apart of my damn worries. She's so difficult, it seems as if her heart tells her she wants to help and she cares but her attitude says otherwise. Well, that makes two of us.

I could care less, if she's going to do the same. Why does this feeling stay in my heart though? The care and the love. I told her I liked her, but I honestly believe that wasn't a good enough hint that I want her so badly. Because for one, I admitted it rudely and second, we were mad at each so it probably didn't get through to her very well.

I began to make my way to the park and when I arrived, her two twin, little foster bothers were there. Kendrick and Kyle. I wanted to turn back around, but continued on.

"Hi Jacob." Kendrick said, they both ran over to me.

"Sup little man." I said hugging him and his twin. They were good kids.

"Are you gonna come back?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know man." I shrugged.

"Please come back." Kyle said.

"Guys I have things to do and I don't think your 'sister' wants me there at all." I explained.

"But, yet she does." Kendrick said, with his eyebrows raised.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"She's been quieter than usual and now when we go to bed, it's me who can barely sleep because she stays up and talks to herself while crying." Kendrick explained.

"Phiona does this?" I asked.

"Yep." Kendrick said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Talk to her yourself, it's probably over you anyways." Kendrick said.

"Nah.. I'm good, y'all just keep her protected and I'll come here to the park every once in a while to see how y'all are doing." I explained.

"Okay, whatever you say." Kendrick shrugged and looked at his twin.

"See y'all later though." I said. They nodded and went back to playing.

I began walking around again, but soon sat on the bench I had slept on various nights. I thought and only thought about Phiona. She's worrying and I was wrong, she does apparently care. Hopefully Kendrick and Kyle do what I told them. Watch her, and protect her.

I have business to take care of. Right now, it's 7:45PM. I have exactly fifteen minutes to get back to Ramon's destination. I looked at my scratched up watch one more time and began walking back across town. The faster the minutes flew, I had began running.

I couldn't be late or else. I stopped and went into the warehouse. I looked at the digital clock sitting over on a dresser. 8:02PM. Fuck. Two minutes late, that's my ass.

Changes {Jacob Latimore}Where stories live. Discover now