Training with The One and Only Kakashi

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Keiko POV

I woke up a little earlier than usual so I can get ready to train with Kakashi-sensei. I stepped out of bed and stretched and did my Little morning routine. 

I changed into a dark blue shirt which was a little loose, shorts that came up slightly abut my knee... I wrapped my right knee with my Kunai sash and put on my regular ninja shoes. I did my hair in two Dutch braids so my hair is out of the way.

I sneaked to see how was Aki doing, and she was sleeping, snoring slightly but that's all good. I wrote Aki a note saying that I left for training and i left breakfast on the pot for her, and then I headed out.

As I walked towards the spot we were gonna meet up, I slide my hand across where the strange curse mark. Kakashi of course sealed it, so i don't think I have too much to worry about.

I arrived at the summit where I find Sasuke...

"Hi Sasuke you training too?" I asked.
"Yes," He said while crossing his arms.
"Knowing Kakashi he'll be here in 3 hours," I said looking at an imaginary watch on my wrist.
"Hm got that right," he said while smirking.

A few hours later

"Sorry I got lost on the past of l-"
"Save it," I interrupted the late Kakashi.

Kakashi-sensei sweatdropped.
"Eh, well since this is training you have to warm up, give me 20" he said.

Sasuke and I looked at him we were crazy but we shrugged our shoulders and dropped down and did 20 push-ups... I was physically kind of averagely mildly strong. I did 5 and I was done............

"Run 5 Laps," Kakashi then said....

I'm gonna die....


After all the warming up I was tired from that already.... I collapsed on the ground hoping to have a few mins of a breather.

"Keiko, dead so soon?" Kakashi asked.
"Sorry, I'm not used to all the physical warms up and stuff it's just not my thing," I said.
"But you fight so well..." Sasuke said.
"I'm weird okay, in a fight I forget if I'm tired or not..."

"So, I shall be teaching you both Chidori," Kakashi said.
"Chidori?" I said questionably.
"You both have a lighting chakra nature, and so do I, so I shall teach you a lighting style Jutsu. It's a short range lightning technique, it's incredibly loud so prepare your ear drums," Kakashi stayed with a closed eye smile.

Sasuke and I sweat dropped...

"Where using the Chidori, you charge you're enemy and full speed. Since you move at incredible speeds you only focus on what's in front of you, thus making is difficult to dodge surprise attacks. Sasuke, you're Sharingan should make this easier. Keiko, you're Daylight Star should help as well... another drawback, chakra consumption, using your Kekkei Genkai and the Chidori can take up a lot of chakra."

"So basically, it's hard to use but you believe in us," I said.
"Heh, yes Keiko," Kakashi said while patting my head. "To start off relax your hands, they'll tense up a lot when you achieve the Chidori."

Sasuke and I flexed our hands a bit and relaxed them.

"Now, hands signs....




We followed the hand signs...

"Focus your chakra, you're gonna feel immense power, but try not to let it overwhelm you," Kakashi said.  "Activate your Kekkei Genkai."

I grabbed my left arm, and activated the Daylight sun.  I felt an immense rush of chakra... I was crazy, I felt like it was pushing me back.

Sasuke was flung backwards, I tried to keep still and focus, but eventually the chakra died down. I placed my hand on my knees breathing heavily...

"Geez, my hands feel like their burning," I said.

"Try again, but this time, tense up you're bicep, and you're fingers, it should help with control.." Kakashi said.

Sasuke got up, we did the hand signs once more...

I tensed up my bicep and my fingers, letting chakra flow. I activated my Daylight Sun, and Sasuke activated his Sharingan. I started to hear a slight chirp from Sasuke and my hand.
I then felt the slight push of chakra before, but I maintained my balance... it go to a point where the chirping of the Chidori got louder, and louder...

I looked over to Sasuke, in his hand was a blue lighting ball, with rods springing out of it... mines turned out to be a navy blue lighting ball, with brighter rods coming out of it....

"Aim at those rocks," Kakashi said.

Sasuke and I looked at each other and nodded.

We ran as fast as we could towards the rocks...



What was left was the small Little Rocks...

"Great job you two, that wasn't so bad," Kakashi said smiling.


After a long day of training, I was exhausted... my limit was 4 Chidori...

"For now, work on controlling it, and more swiftly... you're dismissed," Kakashi said. Sasuke and I started to leave however....

"Keiko come here for a sec," Kakashi said.

I walked towards him

"You're quite strong, you're limit of Chidori was quite interesting... my limit is four," he said.
"Oh, well I might just be stronger than you Kakashi-sensei," I said with a smirk....

"Heh maybe one day kiddo, go get some rest and tell Aki I said hi."

I nodded and headed home....

I got home and noticed Aki wasn't Home, I wonder where she went... I went towards Be kitchen and grabbed me snack... and I found a note...

         Imma be out for a while, if I'm not home before you I'm just out training. I made some food it's in the fridge. LATURS XD


I smiled, then looked in the fridge for the food she made, and ate the rest up. I headed towards my room and collapsed... I'll train more tomorrow.

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