Chapter Forty

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Blakelyn's POV:

"Guess who's birthday it is?" I asked Harry as we laid in bed. He turned to face me. "Who?" He smirked. "Yours!" I smiled and lightly pecked his lips. He chuckled. "How does it feel to be 18?" I looked at him. "Pretty good." He smiled. "Ok, let me go get the twins up and breakfast ready." I said before getting out of bed. I walked into the twins' room and turned on their light. They have been doing very well sleeping in the big boy beds. "Good morning." I cooed as they rubbed their eyes. They both climbed out of their beds and ran to me. "Guess who's birthday it is?" I asked them. "Mama." Trevor said to me. "No, it's daddy's. Want to go get him?" I smiled and they giggled before running into our room.

We were going to Harry's parents house for his birthday. "Tori!" I smiled and ran into her arms. "Hey." She smiled and hugged me back. "Hey boys." She said as the twins got out of the car. They were both wearing black swim trunks. "Who's That?" I asked them and pointed to Tori. "Aun-ie Tori." Trevor said and I clapped. "Good job." Tori smiled and walked over to them. She picked them both up and kissed their cheeks.

After singing Harry happy birthday, we ate dinner and cake. The twins sat at a little picnic table with their cousins as I handed them their plates with cake. "Is it yummy?" I asked Christian as he stuffed his face. "Yummy!" He smiled at me and I chuckled, ruffling his hair, before walking back to Harry, Josh, and Tori. "Blake, can I ask you something?" Tori asked as soon as I walked back over. "Sure." I said and followed her. "Can you take me to the clinic?" She asked softly. "Do you think you're pregnant?" I asked her and she bit her lip. "Maybe, I missed my period and I thought Josh used protection." I sighed and hugged her. "Sleep Over Tonight And I'll take you as soon as Harry goes to work." I said and she nodded.

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