1/ this modern love by will darbyshire

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read: 02.01.18 - 03.01.18

book: This Modern Love

author: Will Darbyshire

blurb: This Modern Love is a unique crowdsourced book of letters, stories, and photographs about the state of modern romance by YouTuber Will Darbyshire.

review: This is possibly the only YouTube book that has ever appealed to me before, and it's been sitting on my shelf for about six months now so I decided that it would be a good one to start the year with.

I thought that lots of the contributions were really beautiful, and there were some pages that really stuck with me. It was funny in parts, and it was really raw and emotional in others. The section that most got me was the part about the end of relationships just because of the complete contrast between the submissions - some were forgiving while others were still bitter or upset.

I couldn't relate to much of the book because I've never been in love myself, but it felt really magical to learn so much about other people's experiences, and it will be a book to go back to once I have felt what love is like

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I couldn't relate to much of the book because I've never been in love myself, but it felt really magical to learn so much about other people's experiences, and it will be a book to go back to once I have felt what love is like.

The only bits that I didn't particularly like were the introductions to the sections of the book. They just felt too informal and too relaxed which really surprised me because Will produces some really beautiful and eloquent videos so I assumed that his writing would be the same.

rating: 8.5/10

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