why i won't be completing this goal

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I began this year so hopeful that I was going to smash my 100 book target. But I hit an all time rock bottom when it came to reading, and I just want to make a chapter explaining why this is not necessarily a bad thing and why I'm not ashamed about not finishing this challenge.

I've had a very stressful few months, so stressful that I've barely had time to read at all. In fact I probably haven't read this month at all. I've fallen out of love with it, and if I was force myself to read another 20 books so I could meet some stupid goal I would grow to hate reading all together. Reading 79 books in one year is still a great achievement and one I'm so proud of considering my circumstances this year.

I've come to realise that setting myself the goal of 100 books was ridiculous and I shouldn't put a numerical goal on reading. Instead I should read what I want to, and instead give myself achievable goals. I've grown as a reader, and I've learnt how to critically analyse books and form my own nuanced opinions on them which is something I hope to show in my reviews of books I read next year.

Instead of setting myself the goal of reading 100 books next year, I will return to the book log format which will hopefully place less pressure on me. Next year will be a very interesting year regarding the book log as it will span my first term of studying English Lit at university so who knows what I'll be reading!

Thank you to everyone to followed me along this way! I'm proud of myself, and I hope you guys can also be proud of everything you've read this year.

- Ella

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