79/ a simple heart by gustave flaubert

91 8 2

read: 26.11.18 - 27.11.18

book: A Simple Heart

author: Gustave Flaubert

blurb: In A Simple Heart, the poignant story that inspired Julian Barnes's Flaubert's Parrot, Felicite, a French housemaid, approaches a lifetime of servitude with human-scaled but angelic aplomb. No other author has imparted so much beauty and integrity to so modest an existence. Flaubert's "great saint" endures loss after loss by embracing the rich, true rhythms of life: the comfort of domesticity, the solace of the Church, and the depth of memory.

review: I just love Flaubert so so much. This short story was so beautiful and moving, exploring the human condition and it's connection with religion and death in such a meaningful and wonderful way. I can't wait to dive into this fully and begin to pick it apart!

The imagery was flawless, the characterisation of Felicite was so raw and real, and the language was gorgeous. I loved it.

rating: 10/10

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