54/ the kite runner by khaled hosseini

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read: 22.07.18 - 23.07.18

book: The Kite Runner

author: Khaled Hosseini

blurb: Amir is the son of a wealthy Kabul merchant, a member of the ruling caste of Pashtuns. Hassan, his servant and constant companion, is a Hazara, a despised and impoverished caste. Their uncommon bond is torn by Amir's choice to abandon his friend amidst the increasing ethnic, religious, and political tensions of the dying years of the Afghan monarchy, wrenching them far apart. But so strong is the bond between the two boys that Amir journeys back to a distant world, to try to right past wrongs against the only true friend he ever had.

review: This book was my pick for Afghanistan in my Reading the World Challenge but it's always been a book which I've heard amazing things about. However, I never thought that this type of book would be my cup of tea. Boy was I wrong.

I couldn't stop reading this book, I needed to carry on living in this world for as long as I could. The characters resonated with me, and I could feel each and every one of their emotions. I liked the fact that they were flawed characters, and that they experienced deep feelings of regret and guilt because it made them so human.

This book was expertly done, and the plot spanning several centuries was absolutely gorgeous. I loved learning so much about what happened in Afghanistan and what it was liked before the Taliban. It was such a vibrant read that simultaneously warmed my heart and broke it.

I loved, loved, loved this book, and I will read it many times again I can tell.

rating: 10/10

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