6/ where angels fear to tread - e. m. forster

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read: 17.01.18 - 21.01.18

book: Where Angels Fear To Tread

author: E. M. Forster

blurb: When a young English widow takes off on the grand tour and along the way marries a penniless Italian, her in-laws are not amused. That the marriage should fail and poor Lilia die tragically are only to be expected. But that Lilia should have had a baby -- and that the baby should be raised as an Italian! -- are matters requiring immediate correction by Philip Herriton, his sister Harriet, and their well-meaning friend Miss Abbott.

review: I've only ever read 'Maurice' by E. M. Forster, and I picked this up in hopes of getting a better grasp of his style and maybe even finding a new favourite author. While I enjoyed parts of this book, on the whole it was slightly underwhelming.

The setting of Italy was absolutely beautiful and played really well into the story; he utilised this setting to give really beautiful descriptions and I really like that about the book. The plot was slightly slow in places, but I was definitely enjoying it towards the end.

There was just something about the characters that I didn't connect with, and I think that's what has left me feeling so neutral about this book. I didn't feel these intense emotions they were having, and I was never fully submerged into their world. The writing was slightly too simplistic for my liking, I feel like it could have been more passionate and intense due to the nature of the book.

Overall it was an enjoyable book, and maybe one that would be best read on a beach in Italy rather than in rainy England!

rating: 7/10

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