46/ lucky by alice sebold

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read: 26.06.18-30.06.18

book: Lucky

author: Alice Sebold

blurb: In a memoir hailed for its searing candor and wit, Alice Sebold reveals how her life was utterly transformed when, as an eighteen-year-old college freshman, she was brutally raped and beaten in a park near campus. What propels this chronicle of her recovery is Sebold's indomitable spirit - as she struggles for understanding.

review: This was a ridiculously powerful and sentimental book, and it's bluntness made it very raw and real. Sebold is incredible at describing emotions and events in a way in which gets it through to you what has really happened.

It was so hard to read at points, and the opening of the book was especially hard to stomach. But I am so glad I read it, and I hope that others will read it and be inspired too. It really made me think of rape not as just something which happens to other people, but it really allowed me access to the human consequence of it and what actually would go through a victim's head not just straight afterwards but for years and years to come.

rating: 10/10

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