53/ a doll's house by henrik ibsen

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read: 19.07.18 - 22.07.18

book: A Doll's House

author: Henrik Ibsen

blurb: Doll's House (1879), is a masterpiece of theatrical craft which, for the first time portrayed the tragic hypocrisy of Victorian middle class marriage on stage. The play ushered in a new social era and "exploded like a bomb into contemporary life".

review: This is the first play I've ever read by myself, and I actually really enjoyed this. I found this really easy to read and follow, and the plot became increasingly engaging.

The use of language in this play is very interesting, and I found the characterisation of the characters through their language very clever. I also liked the message it had, and the revolutionary nature of its ending due to the time it was written. I can't say too much without giving it away, but I thought the change in tone and the transition from the rest of the play to the ending was very well done.

rating: 8/10

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