78/ the distance of the moon by italo calvino

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read: 21.11.18

book: The Distance of the Moon

author: Italo Calvino

blurb: Time is a catastrophe, perpetual and irreversible.' Science and fiction interweave delightfully in these playful Cosmicomic short stories.

review: As you might be able to tell, I'm trying to get through as many 50 page books as I can this week just to make up for the absolute lack of reading that I've done all month.

Okay. I LOVED THESE SHORT STORIES. So firstly, the concept behind this small collection was so freaking clever. It basically recounts a lot of stories from near the beginning of time, for example it tells a story about when the moon was near the earth and when there was no colour in the world. They are all beautifully written and so fun to read!

I would really recommend to anyone wanting to just have some fun, quirky short stories to read!

rating: 10/10

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