64/ take it as a compliment by maria stoian

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read: 23.08.18

book: Take It As A Compliment

author: Maria Stoian

blurb: Bringing together the voices of males and females of all ages, the stories in this collective graphic memoir reflect real life experiences of sexual abuse, violence and harassment.

review: This is the first graphic novel that I've ever read, and I thought it was incredibly poignant and beautiful. Firstly, it was really harrowing to read the stories of victims of sexual assault, and the variety of stories and storytellers really painted a picture of how sexual assault has become the normality for many.

The illustrations were beautiful, and I really liked the style of the pictures. I thought that some of the illustrations were really clever in the way they depicted something so graphic and disturbing.

Overall, I thought this was a really beautiful yet saddening book which I think more people should read.

rating: 9/10

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